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Chapter 5 Broken Deceipt

Word Count: 1333    |    Released on: Today at 00:00

exposed feet. She was being pulled along as they crashed through the brush by Ethan's tightly held

face-to-face with a sheer rock face. Briefly, Olivia thought they'd run out of road, however at that

. " Speedy," Ethan encouraged, guiding her inside. When they entered, t

hed her and listened intently. After a co

icate blue shine unexpectedly enlightened the entry as Ethan initiated a board on th

t. " You have secret shelters in the forest? Ethan, is there anything else yo

accept my apologies, Liv. I realize I have

via snapped. " Beginning with who

r. " I can't be sure, however I have my doubts. Come

s, cutting edge tech, and, surprisingly, a little kitchenette occupied the space. Olivia sank o

after the fact with two steaming mugs. " Here," he said, gi

a took a cautious sip. Begin talking,"

. I accept they're associated with TechDyne. Liv, they are not just our riv

gh price for it?" Olivia asked,

xpressed, inclining forward eagerly. " In the right hands, Prometheus c

is reason you brought me back, right? Not really for some work, b

is elements. " Yes. Be that as it may, in additio

rate covert operative. What might I at some point conceivably

d when he talked, his voice was delic

tual blow. " My... father? What

tech startup. It was a front for an exceptionally grouped government pro

comprehensible. My dad was a financial special

e abandoned an inheritance that could be the way to ha

mselves considering this new data. " Is that why you left?" she asked,

ghtened of the amount I adored you. When I understood my slip-up, it was past the point of

ia couldn't prevent h

oup of TechDyne. In order to safeguard Prometheus, the engagement was

" Complicated. That is

ond. He bounced up, racing to a workstation in the corner. "

ia asked, moving t

me at Blackwood Tech." They will have everything if they achieve success. Promethe

ou hal

than's body, as he shook his head. Not righ

one hummed. She hauled it out, her h

at the old Culmination Businesses working in one

ackson. In all the confusion, she'd nearly

ed I could know somebody who can help

s locking onto hers. " By no mea

assistance," Olivia countered. " So let me hel

you'll watch out. Furthermore, take this." He squeezed a little gadget into her hand. " It's a s

nto her pocket. As she went to leave,

why I left... it wasn't every bit of relevant information. There's more going on behind t

the urgency of her mission, Olivia's heart pound

," she said, her voice

gined as she emerged from the bunker and returned to the waning afternoon light. Be that as it may, with her dad's inheritan

e received at the former Summit Industries building:

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