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Chapter 4 A Cracked Mask

Word Count: 3412    |    Released on: 02/10/2024

and cheerful. "Listen, me, Tessa, and Sienna are grabbing coffee this

chores waiting for her at home, but the th

mitted, glancing at the time.

excitement. "Just for like, thirty minutes? We

nseparable through high school. Tessa and Sienna, on the other hand, were Khalia's friends, not really hers. They had a habit of making snar

Serenity relented, a ghost

en!" The call ended with Serenity feeling a flicker of excitement for the first time in what felt

way towards the quaint little cafe. She could feel the stares of the other passengers as she walked by, their gazes lingering on

cked into a corner booth. "Hey, Serenity!" Khalia greet

as styled in neat box braids that fell just past her shoulders, covered with small golden beads. She wore a vibrant yellow sundress that complemented her co

they exchanged hellos, a stray comment

e why you invited her, K

ing emerald green eyes on Serenity. Her fair skin was flawlessly made up, with a hint of a summer tan. She wore a form-fitting red dress that accentuated her tall,

d react, Khalia cut Sien

sin, and we're here to catch up. How abo

ir behind her ear. Her pale, freckled face was a mask of feigned contrition, her hazel eyes darting between Khalia and Sienna. Tessa's petite frame was clad in a flowing, floral-print bohemi

ion flowed around Serenity, a whirlwind of chatter she couldn't seem to catch hold of. Khalia, ever the bubbly one, was recounting a disastrous date, her hands

s and actions from the night before were a persistent buzz in the back of her mind, a grim reminder of the life she was trapped in. De

efficiency. When she reached Serenity, a small sm

I'm fine." She couldn't even bring herself to look at the menu, the pr

"Are you sure, hun? Didn't you just drop off Kaia at scho

mile. "Yeah, I'm ju

ords, imagining the warm scent of fresh bread and the sticky goodness of a glazed donut. But as the minutes ticked by, the weight of Cole's verbal abuse grew heavier, his voice

of her fear and subjugation. She tried to focus on Khalia's stories, but the memory of his cruel words lingered like a foul t

" Serenity replied,

p, "Seven yea

her fingers twi

on't you think Cole deserves more? I mean, he takes care of

, her voice barely above a whisper. "Kaia's pregnancy... well, it was very

had taken root in her heart. Fear of Cole, fear of another pregnancy, fear of bringing

a housewife if she can't eve

That's a horrible

he could shrink further into herself, Sienna chimed in, oblivious to the t

erstood here. Cole wouldn't allow her to work, he had made her drop out of high school when she got pregnan

I didn't graduate high school. Remember?" She swallowed hard.

to toe. "Wow," she finally drawled, "you're so lucky to have Cole tak

"For someone married to a rich m

w nerves. Khalia slammed her hand on the table, her eyes flashing. "T

n her skin. "It's fine, Khalia, really." She looked at Tessa and Si

aving?" Tes

r escape a welcome relief. "

called out before Serenit

r of hope battling the wearine

You" Khalia's v

esh wave of nausea washing ov

pocket. It was an unknown number. W


pital. Your mother, Mrs. Lewis, has been

in horror. "My mother? I

her hands. "Everything alright?" Kha

aky breath. "My mo

! That's terrible! Don't worry,

at..." Serenity started to pr

Come on,

a and Sienna watched them go, their snide comments forgotten. Outside, Khalia s

you hav

her purse in the passenger seat.

f relief washing over her. "B

ry, cuz! It happened really fast. We've been dating for about one

r voice filled with genuine happiness for

, let's focus on your mom," Khalia said,

ia squeezed Serenity's hand. "Seriously, th

itter on her tongue. "We're all fine, Khal

her eyes. "If you need anything at all, anyt

ld of darkness, Khalia was her beacon of light. For the first time that day, a t

y blinding Serenity. "I'm so sorry, cuz," Khalia apologized, her face etched with

Khalia. Thank you so much for the ride. Hon

away, the hopeful spark from their conversation fading. The reality of her situation crashed back down around her, and she couldn't help but feel a sinking dread as she

walked towards the receptionist

. "Ah, yes, Ms. Vale . Your mother is in room 213.

walls closing in on her with every floor they passed. When the doors finally opened, she stepped out into a hallway that smelled faintly

lf. Pushing open the door, she braced herself for the worst. Instead, she found her mother, Dee, laying on the

to her side. "What ha

enity, darling! Don't you worry about me. I just... fainted a little spell

t her mother, bew

bed. "Come, sit with me. Tell me all about Kaia and Col

ow. "They're... fine," she mumbled. She reached out to take her

rowed. "Serenity

ed, averting her gaze.

her turtleneck. Her brown skin was marred by the telltale signs of abuse – fingerprints like

he tears she had been holding back. "I am afraid of

her to grow up thinking this is normal." She stared at her mother, the words coming out in a rush as if they had been

s your husband, and he takes good care of us." She glanced around the comfortable hospital room.

us? You know what he does to me! You've known for years! And I'm here

rt, I know it's hard. But think of Kaia. You have a good

e room grew colder, the words like ice in her veins. "Some bruises?!" she exclaimed, her voice sha

Where will you go?" Dee's voice grew frail, h

ust bruises." Tears fell silently down her cheeks, her chest heaving with each painful breath. She had hoped, just for a moment,

Serenity yanked her hand away, he

r's voice grew sterner. "You've got a

e shaking. "I guess... I guess I was

in that room, surrounded by the stench of her mother's denial and her own desperation. The elevator ride down felt like a descent into hell, each floor dropping away like layers of hope. She

onto a worn bench, the cold metal seeping into her skin. Tears welled up, spilling over like a dam finally breached. Sobs wrack

line that could cut glass and a physique that spoke of hours in the gym. His skin was a deep tan, a stark contrast to the white collar of his shirt, and his long, black hair

emed to look right through her. "Here," he s

and Serenity took the tissue, wiping at her eyes. "Th

ned eyes. Finally, he spoke, his voice thick with a French accent and firm. "Be caref

ger. But something in his gaze, a quiet strength and unex

, Ms. Vale . And if you ever need someone to talk to, someone who can help

printed on it, just

Range Rover. He slid into the passenger seat, offering one last look in her direction. For a fleeting moment, there was a glint of understanding, maybe

was he? And why did he care? She had a million questions, but for now, all she had

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