img REVENGE OF THE BETRAYED WOLF  /  Chapter 3 The next day, the sun's rays came through the window | 60.00%
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Chapter 3 The next day, the sun's rays came through the window

Word Count: 1168    |    Released on: 28/09/2024

e bathroom. Her mind still slightly numb, she filled the bathtub with lukewarm water and plunged in carefully, feeling the calm of the wat

was a loyal wolf to you and your region, have me

at I'll do with you. You'd better go cry in your room, it's

ou don't meet the same end as your father. Perhaps my love will be con

ad brought to the manor one day, winning Crono's h

der you banished from these lands. Your father's pack will be led by Dionysu

rs, got up with what little strength she had left and left the office, running to her roo

shock made her faint. When she regains consciousness, it's night and she's in a wooded area. That's when she realized she'd been thrown out of

lf," the man approached Freya, who was backed up against a tree, and began stroking her face, "Soon, my she-wolf, this region will b

fetid breath on her face, which repulsed her. She couldn't remember who he was, but she estima

urst out

er. My beautiful Flavia, your mother, was my companion, but your father took her from me. She despised an

ue, she died w

for many years until the bitch committed suicide. You're the

her mother hadn't died at birth, but had suffered at the hands of her uncle. Th

uffered so much, have mercy on me

Don't be like your stubborn mother. If you obey me, I'll have mercy

orse, to her uncle, the cause of her mother's death. She walked with the man in app

accept your fate," Pirr

her might. The blow stunned him, and Freya took the opportunity to flee into the forest. She ran and ran, thirsty and exhausted, until

rve such evil, nor what I did in my past life to pay for it in this one. Why did you allow injustice to

urned a deep red, a phenomenon that drew her attention. But a growl made her look away from the moon, and she suddenly turned to see a giant brown wolf a

ng any pain, but had woken up crying in her bed, as if what she'd experienced had been nothing more t

o as not to cause her pain. She tried to dissolve her marriage, but an agreement had already been reached. From then on, she began to devise a plan to take revenge on the people who had destroyed her in her previous life. That yea

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