img Boy Scouts in Southern Waters; Or, Spaniard's Treasure Chest  /  Chapter 5 WIG-WAGGING A WARNING | 20.00%
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Word Count: 2088    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

in, where their eyes were greeted by the sight of wa

ally cheery voice. "She's started a butt and we'll have to be

hand bilge pump going and I'll start the

the gasoline engine that operated their dynamo, connecting it to the power pump. Together the two agencies gained on the rising

nd peering here and there in an effort

Come here, you fellows, and bear a hand. Get something to

and Arnold deserted their post at the hand pump and sprang to ass

et their eyes wa

e cabin and was reaching down to the bilge. A spray of w

ug this hole!" he ga

another locker. Harry shut his eyes, turned his head side-wise and gasped for breath. Reaching out for the jacket he took it from

is fid will plug a big hole and jam

he inserted the pointed end into the hole

ith and I'll try to drive this into the h

?" both boys g

little more and we'd have been beyond all help. I think this idea

ave bored a hole in our vessel?" cried Arnold. "Surely it

he leak must be here. Of course, I thought at first that we had started a butt in the r

rtuna was built at Manitowoc where they have a reputation of do

floor board I saw that auger lying there. Then as I raised the b

the stream of wate

ct that the life-belts are pulled from th

're down in a heap

ext meal that you'll find one missing. I can also guess wh

man who was knocked off the schooner?

do a thing to him when I lay hands on him. Boy Scout or not, I

d?" questioned Tom

then when it gets soaked it'll swell and hold tight. This fid's made of hard wood. It may hold all right f

hile Tom looked to the pumps and ex

er in the kitchenette," he announced retu

er shelf," announced Harry, "he got on

returning with the desired piece of wood.

lug into place, "the other is a flashli

s repaired to the pilot house where the gravity of the situation was repeated to Jack,

on," explained Jack. "He looked as if he had on a life belt, but I couldn't be sure because I couldn't hold the glasses steady an

the cabin roof, and swept diligent

ut?" inquired Jack f

ort distance inland. I don't see any automatic flashlight in his hand, though!" whimsically announced the watching lad. "Then on the other hand, I ca

he's a Boy Scout?

e?" replied Tom. Besides, he's red headed like Arnold and homely like H

r you!" declared Harry. "You may thr

what's the straight of this? Quit

t a figure between the two fires. It looks slight like a boy. That's all I can make out. There are some trees over there just t

out what's the matter. Maybe the stranger can help us get our bearings. Lucky

hore and permit of their landing easily. Tom and Harry busied themselves with clearing away one of the metal boats carried on the cabin roof and prepar

the boy over there wig-wagging at u

xcitedly. "Take this flag and answer

with intentness the figure on the beach, while Tom prepared to r

lags, I believe

he Semaphore code, t

ied Harry. "He's cal

assented Tom. "Her

ses. "Then right and left both down and diagonal to the right--that's 'A.' Next both arms diagonally do

'G.' Now the right down in front and left diagonally up and out from the shoulder--that's 'E.' Next b

h for we've been in danger ever since we left Mobile. Anyt

shut off the power, permitting the Fortuna to ride

the shoulder diagonally and right down in front--that's 'E,'and he repeats it. Then right out horizontally and left straight up from head--that's 'P.' Next, right out horizontally and left di

ming ashore. Arnold and Harry, will you get the boat overboard and we'll go ashore to

n!" cried Tom. "

repared to go ashore. As they pulled away from the Fortuna, Harr

icating that he wished them to return to the Fortuna at once. Putting his fingers to hi

ntured Harry. "Why should he send up smoke signals for help an

us through those trees and bushes over the

es indicated just as Arnold spoke. It was

na gave a wild cry

the strange boy on t

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