img The Betrothed  /  Introduction | 5.88%
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Reading History


Word Count: 3653    |    Released on: 19/11/2017



bitrary methods were resorted to on the present occasion to prevent the reporters using a right which is generally conceded to them by almost all meetings, whether of a political or commercial description. Our own reporter, indeed, was bold enough to secrete himself under the Secretary's table, and was not discovered till the meeting was well-nigh over. We are sorry to say, he suffered much in person from fists and toes, and two or three principal

y attended by various literary characters of eminence. And it being in the first place understood that individuals were to be denominated by the names assigned to them in the

ssed the meeting to t

every person in this numerous assembly has had his share in the honours and profits of our common success. It is, indeed, to me a mystery, how the sharp-sighted could suppose so huge a mass of sense and nonsense, jest and earnest, humorous and pathetic, good, bad, and indifferent, amounting to scores of volumes, could be the work of o

a grew-bitch at home will worry the best tod i

the Preses, with some war

I think!- ane o' the best in your aught, I reckon. And, ye see, I am come into t

w on your table, which I myself had the honour to suggest at last meeting, namely, that we do apply to the Legislature for an Act of Parliament in ordinary, to associate us into a corporate body, and give us a personi standi in j

that fellow's name being menti

e other, without the aid of hackle or rippling-comb - loom, shuttle, or weaver - scissors, needle, or seamstress. He had just completed it, by the addition of a piece of machinery to perform the work of the laundress;

r. Oldbuck, "if

ost unseemly expression, and I must call you to or

hen said aloud, "and if this eccentric genius has work enough in

m." There was a murmur of disapprobation at this proposal, and the words, "Blown up," and "Bread taken out of our mouths," and "They might as well con

upport the chair. Hear,

sorts, and the distribution of happiness at the conclusion of the piece. Mr. Dousterswivel has sent me some drawings, which go far to show, that by placing the words and phrases technically employed on these subjects, in a sort of framework, like that of the Sage of Lapu

otnote: A Romance, by the Author of Waverley, having been expected about this time at the great commercial mart of literature, the Fair of Leipsic, an ingenious gentleman of Germany, finding that none such appeared, wa

ood things in Walladmor, I assure you, had the writer kno

uch a remote or distant country that nobody should be able to back-sp

German market, where folks are no better judges of Welsh manners than of Welsh crw

he manners expressed in that 'Betrothed' of ours, will scarce meet the approbation of the Cymmerodion; I could have wished that Llhuyd had been looked into

erbuck; "by my soul, it is h

r," said the Prese

he chair of John of Gaunt, or Cador-Edris itself. I must add, however, that, in my poor mind, 'The Talisman' go

must say, that being so long engaged upon the Siege of Ptolemais, my work ought to have

aid, "this sort of discussion is highly irregular. There is a question before you, and to that, gentlemen, I must confine your attention. Priority of publication, let me remind you, gentlemen, is always referred to the Committee of Criticism, whose determination on such subjects is without appeal. I declare I will leave the chair, if any more extraneous matter be

ritable," said Oldbuck, who seemed determined, on this occasion,

s deeply, and know there must be a union of persons and talents to do any thing respectable, and attain a

k, not in the least softened in his opposition;

Prince of Orange said to Mr. Seymour, 'With

displayed on this occasion, though you be the author of a Jacobite novel. I know nothing of th

the remark to the Prince, not the Princo to Seymour. But this is a specimen of our friend's accuracy

xpect of a man too fond of his own hasty and flashy composition

unfortunate Preses, who reminded us somewhat of a Highland drover engage

of water. Such a person buys his bread from his own Baking Company, his milk and cheese from his own Dairy Company, takes off a new coat for the benefit of his own Clothing Company, illuminates his house to advance his own Gas Establishment, and drinks an additional bottle of wine for the benefit of the General Wine Importation Company, of which he is himself a member. Every act, which would otherwise be one of mere extravagance, is, to such a person, seasoned with the odor lucri , and reconciled to prudence. Even if the price of the article consumed be extravagant, and the quality indifferent, the person, who is in a manner his own customer, is only imposed upon for his own benefit. Nay, if the Joint-stock Company of Undertakers shall unite

hryma ," mutte

ace in this chair forbidding me to originate the motion - beg some gentleman may move a committee for revising the draught of the bill now upon the t

is willing to make the motion you point at. I am sorry no more qualified person has taken upon him to show any reasons in the contrair, and that i

r, "Have a care of Pitscottie" and, Mr.

of an Act of Parliament, a despotic authority, inconsistent with our freedom. But this I will say, that times are so much changed above stairs, that whereas last year you might have obtained an act incorporating a Stock Company for riddling ashes, you will not be able to procure one this ye

" &c. &c. &c. But above the tumult, the voices of two gentlemen, in different corners of the room, answered each other clear and loud, like the blows of the two figures on Saint

e . "The L

ce . "The

udly.) "Scanda

. "The Lor

e . "The Lo

er yet .) "Breac

. "The Lord

. "My Lord

he highest pitch

before t

r . "Will never con

unded with as much emphasis as could be contributed by the united clappe

the Chairman, who had thrown himself back in his chair, with an air of manifest mortification and displeasure, again drew himself up, and commanded attention. Al

othing speaking - I will no longer avail myself of such weak ministers as you - I will discard you - I will unbeget you, as Sir Anthony Absolute says - I will leave you and your whole hacked stock in trade - your caverns and your castles - your modern antiques, and your antiquated moderns - y

ed for sport, r

ds - I will rear my structure of better materials t

wing expressions:-"The devil you will!"-"You, my dear sir, you? "-"The old

at," said Oldbuck, "since histo

ker; "but for the scantling of truth which is necessary after all,

mber of the meeting was seen to touch his forehea

r friends

, too ha

r bolts an

will thi

ever read - a book in which every incident shall be incredible, yet strictly true - a work recalling recollections with which the ears of this generation once ting

ch occasioned his being discovered and extruded in the illiberal and unhandsome manner we have mentioned, with threats of farther damage to his nose, ears, and other portions of his body, on the part especially of Captain Clutterbuck. Undismayed by these threats, which ind

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