er voice carried by the breeze. "Elara, what are you doing here?" Kael asked, his voice low and urgent. "It's not safe." "I needed to see you," Elara replied, her eyes shining with determinati
t the room. "We'll defend our kingdom, but I want minimal bloodshed. We'll negotiate with Valtoria's prince." Elara's eyes locked onto Arin's. "You can't trust them." "I must try," Arin replied. "For our people, for our future." As the council dispersed, Kael approached Elara. "Stay close to Arin," Kael whispered. "I'll shield him, and you." Elara's fingers brushed against Kael's. "And who will shield your heart?" Kael's gaze held hers. "You, Elara. Only you."Elara's fingers lingered on Kael's, the brief touch igniting a flame that had smoldered for years. Their love was a secret, hidden behind the facade of her marriage to King Arin. "Kael, I-" "Don't say it, Elara," Kael interrupted, his voice low and pained. "You're the queen, and I'll honor that." Elara's eyes pleaded. "You deserve the truth. I never loved Arin, not like I love you. But Father-" "Lord Commander Erien," Kael finished, his jaw clenched. "He wanted an alliance with the crown, and you were the price." Elara nodded, tears welling. "Arin was kind, but I couldn't refuse. Father's debts would have ruined our family." Kael's gaze softened. "I understand, but it doesn't change how I feel." As they parted, Elara returned to the castle, her heart heavy. King Arin awaited her in their cham