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Reading History

Chapter 10 BASILDENE.

Word Count: 4603    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

n their lost inheritance of Basildene. It was not yet wholly dark, for a saffron glow in the sky behind still showed where the sun had lately sunk, whilst

n cleared away, and the long low house, with its heavy timbers and many gables, stood clearly revealed b

nto the brickwork were many of them richly carved, and the twisted chimneys and quaint windows showed traces of considerable ingenuity in

crumbling to decay, and wore the grim look of a place of evil repute. It was hard to believe that any person lived within

rent look. His heart went suddenly out to the lonely old house. He felt that he could love it well if it were ever given to him to win it back. As he stood there in the moonlight gazing an

terested himself before in the woodman's son, felt strong in the righteousness of their cause. If they experienced some fear, as was not unlikely, they would not own it even to themselves. Gaston was filled with the soldier spirit of the day, that scorned to turn back upon danger however great. Raymond was supported by a deep underlying sense of the sacredness of the cause in which he was embarked. It was not alone that he was going to deal a blow at the foes of his house; it was much more to him than that. Vengeance might play a part in the crusade

place with hawk-like gaze. Now he turned t

rrors to protect his house. Methinks we had better skirt round the house, and seek that other entrance of which we have heard. Raymond, did not our mother tell us oft a story of a revolving stone door to an underground passage, and the trick by which it might be opened from within and without? I remember well that it was by a secret spring cleverly hidden -- se

e underground way. Rememberest thou not the boat moored in the lake to carry the fugitive across to the other side, and the oars so muffled that none might hear? And did not Mistress Joan say that the secret way into

ruinous aspect of much of the building, there was no ready or easy method of access. Every gap in the masonry was carefully filled up, every window that was w

kirted round into the dim darkness of the dense woodland that lay behind the house. "Methinks if

ng beneath the gloom of the trees, which even when not in leaf cast dense shadows around them. It was in truth a weird spot: owls hooted dismally about them, bats flitted here and there in their erratic flight, and sometimes almost brushed the faces of the boys with their clammy wings. The strange noises always

third repetition of the cry. "Brother, let us say a prayer, and

n prayer, as the priest had bidde

d carefully about them, and Gaston, grasping his br

ight upon it! We have reached the fish ponds, I ve

away, and was now confined to various levels by means of a rude dam and a sort of gate like that of a modern lock. Still the boys could trace a likeness to the lake of their mother's oft-told tale, and by instinct they both turned to the right as they rea

leader soon showed that something had been discovered, and the next minute he had drawn aside the sweeping branches of

uffled whisper. "Raymond, hast thou

er of some time to obtain a light, they were skilful and well used to the process, and soon their torch was kindled and they

ce. "Raymond, methinks that this is the first step in our career of vengeance. We have the key to B

that this natural tunnel ended here, and that further progress was impossible. But as it was, they were firmly convinced that this was but the door of masonry of which their mother had told them in years gone by. Neither could recollect the story sav

to look like one solid piece. See, here are the joints; I can feel them with my fingernail, though I can scarce see them with my eyes. Let us count the number of the stones used.

ry of astonishment: for the whole of what had looked like a solid wall revolved slowly inwards, revealing a continuation of the passage which they had been trav

th a cunning contrivance. Let me have the light here a moment, B

lance, and not dependent either upon springs or bolts. Probably it dated back from days when these latte

ltation, as the brothers passed through the doorway and let it close behind them; and the

tone floors, and in one spot a grinning skull lying broken in a corner sent thrills of horror through the brothers' hearts. From time to time the sound of that unearthly wailing reached their ears, though it

ell whether or not all were real. They pressed on eager to accomplish the object of their search, resolved to do that

oor was bolted, but from the outside, and they had no difficulty in withdrawing the heavy bolts from their sockets. When this had been done the door opened of itself

ispered Raymond, whose recent reading

magic lore, whilst the great sullen wood and charcoal fire, which illumined the place with a dull red glow, was all

pped open beside the crucibles or hung against the wall, all gave evidence of the nature of the pursuits carried on in that unhallowed spot. The brothers, burning with c

avy groan seemed to arise from the very ground at his feet, and he dropped the implement with a smothered exclamation of terror. Raymond

!" he whispered. "Sure there i

d once been a handsome and healthy boy, but was now little more than a living skeleton. His face still retained its beauty of outline, though these outlines were terribly pinched and sharpene

rture you to death as they are torturing me. Oh, how did you come? I know the doors are locked and bolted. Are you devils in human guise, or hapless prisoners like myself? Oh, if you are still free, go -- go ere they can

their hearts, cut the tough thongs that bound the wrists and ankles of the boy, and raised his head as they poured down h

ission; and after the first gasping words of warning and wonder, it seemed as though he obeyed t

g utterly inexplicable had befallen him, whether for weal or woe his confused senses would not tell him. He heard as in a dream the hurried explanations of th

, who will tear in pieces any who approaches save his master. There is no way of escape for me. If you are blessed spirits from the wo

such to thee for the nonce. Fear nothing; only trust us and obey us. If thou wilt do both these things, thou sh

pathy and brotherly love, and a strange calm and security seemed to fall upon him

that monster of wickedness, and I will serve thee for ever. Thou art a ministering

efore -- "ay, here in this very place, polluted though it may be; for God's presence is everywhere, and it may be He will give thee, even in this fearful chamber of abominations, that release of soul which is the right of each of His human creatures. Kneel, and lift th

t of devotion and supplication; and the child, believing that most assuredly a divine messenger had come to deliver him from the hand of his

delay. We have a long night's ride before us, and Jo

time his captors disappear, but which was ever firmly bolted and barred upon the outer side. He did not even hang back through dread of what might befall him if he were again recalled, as on a former occasion, by the

spring night; but the strong arms of his protectors supported him, and hurrying along through the woodland tracks already traversed earlier in the evening, they quickly approached the appo

aces in advance; and as the words were spoken there broke

nt and bowed, and the next minute he had clasped his son in his arms, and was weep

reat satisfaction. But time was passing, and there was no longer any need for delay. The journey before them was somewhat rough

him to track the fugitive; but he was not certain of this, and the rest were all of opinion that he

ecincts of the Sanctuary for which he was bound, in the keeping of the holy man of God whose power was known to be so great, and none feared for the result. But if the boy should be seized upo

, troubled fashion. Every moment his father feared to hear him answer an unheard call, feared to feel him struggle wildly in his encircling arm; but neither of these things happened. Mile after mile was traversed; the moonlight enabled the party to push ra

s nigh at hand. Ride on, good Gaston, and bid the holy man come forth in the name of the love of the Blessed S

disappeared from the eyes of his companions along the road; but when they reached the monastery gate they saw that his errand had been accomplished. A tall monk, holding in his hand a crucifix, advanced to

Church I receive thee. Let him who can prevail agai

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