yielded to the pressi
to attend the ball to b
of Sampson Trust Inc.
ed the invitation on
, a rival CEO, was awa
the next day. But Aunt
attend. She earnestly w
, who was making her
ng Emily nonstop urgin
he ball under the stri
nt. Emily was young,
her about things she d
ll the questions tha
the mother and daughte
l, Emily sent an email
ining that she had chan
end af
ed that she had not re
a strange dislike again
ion. Though they were
son were on good term
ere were unhappy
the Sampson's balls,
ally vivacious ninete
; it was there that she
t afterwards she met a
rk Rayner, as he was
ill brought upper bit
ated with the Sampson
eats itself," she mu
window, and thoughtfu
in which the walks we
ke a robe of white plu
ntly and ominously fal
itself lodging for
fashion the delicate l
ating even into the h
ts it
h. The events of the las
cy all the circumstanc
ife. True, another was
fresh and unsuspecti
out into the world wit
yes – but the drama wa
agedy; she hoped that B
o, on a very similar wint
ompanied by his wife
urpose in participa
board meeting, on whi
ised by her aunt and u
ere. She understood w
mily was now nearing h
ould go out into the wo
d help elevated her aun
ppy to remain outside th
f the city; but she reg
at reverence. She want
thought of having to
s-old when the nine-year-
the two girls had bec
ether she was a sist
he was very young, and
e she lost her father
cancer. Even her fathe
only in dark and confu
ould remember she seen
a wheelchair by an a
al times a day, and ca
ngth to speak to her an
eally been able to kno
else at the funeral, t
ago. Then she had been
nson and Aunt Jennifer
me. It was not long b
ever belonged anywhere
girl into an attractive
little too vivacious,
her', as her au
edge, that when one
yes would flash up br
about any matter, howe
folds, and she would kn
cate physique; her ha
so small and round, an
ips, a slender nose wi
s of a deep blue-blac
ead and temples. Her be
deep brown in color, p
wned with heavy, sic
ed, the result of havi
While she retained
cted to be given beau
e had continued the tre
d would spend her way
ly in particular had
one of the few links
ar lace and her daught
of lacy gow
e had gone so far as
mething which surprise
other artistic hobbie
d her niece to pursue
the craft and now, mu
ded some f
ily as if she had bee
o put off introducin
he was the sunshine of
ave. Jennifer, however
age it was time to sta
a suitabl
he events of the last
cy all the circumstanc
ife. True, another was
fresh and unsuspecti
out into the world wit
yes – but the drama wa
agedy; she hoped that B
n a very similar winte
ompanied by his wife
rpose in participati
board meeting, on whi
ised by her aunt and u
ere. She understood w
mily was now nearing h
ould go out into the wo
d help elevated her aun
to remain outside the
f the city; but she reg
at reverence. She want
thought of having to
when the nine-year-ol
the two girls had bec
ether she was a sist
he was very young, and
e she lost her father
cancer. Even her fathe
only in dark and confu
ould remember she seen
a wheelchair by an a
al times a day, and ca
ngth to speak to her an
eally been able to kno
else at the funeral, t
ago. Then she had been
nson and Aunt Jennifer
me. It was not long b
ever belonged anywhere
girl into an attractive
little too vivacious,
her', as her au
edge, that when one
yes would blash up br
about any matter, howe
folds, and she would kn
cate physique; her ha
so small and round, an
ips, a slender nose wi
s of a deep blue-blac
ead and temples. Her be
deep brown in color, p
wned with heavy, sic
ed, the result of havi
While she retained
cted to be given beau
e had continued the tre
d would spend her way
ly in particular had
one of the few links
ar lace and her daught
of lacy gow
e had gone so far as
mething which surprise
other artistic hobbie
d her niece to pursue
the craft and now, mu
ded some f
ily as if she had bee
o put off introducin
he was the sunshine of
ave. Jennifer, however
age it was time to sta
a suitabl