operty, I cannot tell. I saw the servants, some grow dissatisfied and leave, s
n, and you are no longer a child. I want to impress this much upon your mind-never say anything to your mamm
use was concealment with
. You mean that I must never tell mamma
d woman; "you could not have understood bet
t teaches me that and eve
est and most devoted of husbands; since she has been here he has changed, there is no doubt of it-terribly changed. My lady does not know all that we know. She thinks
interrupt, "do you t
knows it to be the truth it will kill her. We must be most careful and always wear
looking up, I saw that my nurse was sad a
d. "One thing, I hope, is this-tha
y father would have been devoured by anxiety; now his visits were short and cold. If I said one word my mother would interrupt me. "Hush! my Laura," she would say, gently; "g
d word that I had heard my father say of her. But do as
ch, and every Sunday morning, whether Sir Roland went or not, she drove over to the church and took me with her. When I went with my mother I had always enjoyed this hour above all others. All the people we knew crowded around us and greeted us so warmly-every one had such pleasant things to say to us. Now, if a child came near where we stood
nded people these countr
, and she answered, impatiently, tha
mma and Patience; we were always bright and cheerful in her presence. I have gone in to see her when my heart has been as heavy as death, and
he was, what he was doing, or anything about him. He went to her twice a day-once in the morning and again at night. He would bend down carelessly and kiss her forehead; and tell her any news he
l. The worst she thought was that my father encouraged Miss Reinhart in exceeding the duties of her position; that he had allowed her to take a place that did not belong to her, and that he per
st just then-of deeper evil she did not dream; only w
ternoon-my head had been aching badly-and Emma said an hour's sleep woul
rong with my heart
opened, and I saw Alice Young, a very nice, respectable
nurse, "Miss L
not feel able to contradi
have had a letter from my mother this morning, and she says I am to leave this place at once, th
ppose," s
grew near
r out yesterday, and three days ago I saw his arm around he
matter to u
us; and if it be untrue, some one ought to put an end to it. I have nothing but my chara
t for some few min
y lady stop here, I shall stay, and wh
hite, miserable fa
cried. "I am not asleep,
ied Alice, aghast. "I would not have
d. "You meant no harm, and I am ol
d Emma flung herself o
gan, "but I had not patience to lis
ou think mamma really knows or
Miss Laura. If my lady even thought so, she would not allow
l ask him to send my governess away