the world before me, I was met by a startling sight-a figure standing before me, a man who bore a striking resemblance to Xander, yet transformed. His familiar features were obscured by a thick, unkempt beard, a stark contrast to his usual clean-shaven appearance. His clothes were wrinkled and disheveled, hanging loosely on his frame, as if he had been wearing them for days. It
a constant reminder of the trauma I had endured. With considerable effort, a Herculean task, I turned my gaze, shifting my focus, to one of the nurses stationed beside me, diligently monitoring my vital signs, ensuring my continued existence. "I- how much-" I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper, a mere breath of
disheveled figure of Xander, a silent acknowledgment of his presence. "And your husband-" she hesitated, her words catching in her throat, "he hasn't left your side this entire time, not for a moment. He hasn't eaten, he hasn't slept, his devotion unwaveri
hort-lived, extinguished almost as quickly as it had arisen, snuffed out by the harsh, unforgiving reality of my memories. The memories flooded back, vivid and unrelenting, a torrent of pain and humiliation. The nurse stepped aside, granting Xander access, allowing him to approach me. He did so hesitantly, his steps slow and measured, cautious,
acts, clinging desperately to the hope, however improbable, that it was all just a terrible nightmare, a figment of my imagination. But the persistent ache between my legs, a constant, throbbing reminder of the violation I had endured, and the cold, harsh truth etched into my mind, s
with a flurry of activity, a chaotic ballet of medical professionals. Doctors and nurses rushed to my side, their voices raised in concern, their faces etched with worry. They barked orders at Xander, their words sharp and commanding, demanding that he leave the room immediately, his presence a disruptive force in the midst of their efforts to save my life. I couldn't help but wonder, in that moment of
ng of a bell, a solemn pronouncement of my fate. "I WILL MARRY YOU, ISABELLA!" he declared, his words filled with unwavering determination and unshakeable resolve, a promise, a vow-
of staying there a moment longer. The walls seemed to close in on me, suffocating me with the weight of my shame and despair. I had wished for death, prayed for it even, a desperate plea for relea
, unwavering presence, was Xander-the man who had caused my world to crumble, the architect of my destruction, now praying fervently for my recovery, his tears a testament to his remorse, or so it seemed. His eyes were filled with tears, his expres
y the sterile silence, I grappled with the cruel hand that fate had dealt me, trying to make sense of the senseless, to find reason in the unreasonable, a desperate search for meaning in the midst of chaos. But the more I dwelt on it, th
to my intentions, as she hurried out of the room to relay my request to Xander. As soon as she was gone, the moment I was alone, I saw my chance, a window of opportunity that I couldn't afford to miss. I tiptoed to the door, my movements cautious and silent, stealing
ld carry me, fueled by adrenaline and desperation, my only thought escape. The streets were a blur of color and noise, a chaotic tapestry of urban life, as I weaved in and out of traffic, narrowly avoiding collision with oncoming cars, my life hanging precariously in the balance. I stu
beating against the wood, my breath coming in ragged gasps, my body trembling with exhaustion, my feet bloody and raw from the arduous journey. My mother answered the door, her eyes widening in shock and disbelief as she too
asping for breath, my body aching, my spirit broken, as my parents fussed over me, their concern a strange mixture of comfort and unease. My mother dabbed at my feet with a damp cloth, her tears falling freely, a silent expression of her worry, as she tended to my wounds, the physical m
s that had led to this moment, but they eluded me, slipping through my fingers like sand, leaving me speechless and vulnerable. My father's expression darkened, his brows furrowing, his eyes narrowing with suspicion, as he waited impatiently for an ans
acked with grief, as I tried desperately to explain what had happened, to make my father understand that I was the victim, not the perpetrator, that I had been wronged, not the wrongdoer. But my pleas fell on deaf ears
y eyes filled with tears and incomprehension, my heart breaking anew. How could my own father, the man who was supposed to protect and love
he course of my life, words that would haunt me for years to come. "It's a scandal! Who will marry you now? Did you know that after Zack canceled the wedding, no one will dare to p
, were now casting me aside, labeling me a slut and a disgrace, their judgment a heavier burden than any I could have imagined. I begged my father to do something, to st
and the sight of me, his own daughter, now a symbol of shame and dishonor. "If you tell anyone what happened, they will destroy you and send me to jail for the rest of my life! So s
contempt? I turned to my mother, desperate for her support, for a glimmer of understanding, but she averted her gaze, her eyes filled with shame and regret, her silence a deafening confi
eet connecting with my flesh, leaving bruises and welts in their wake, a testament to his rage. I curled up into a ball, trying desperately to protect myself from the onslaught, but it was no use, my efforts futile
former self scattered like ashes in the wind. I opened my eyes, my vision blurred and hazy, the world swimming in and out of focus, to find a strong, firm grip encircling my father's wrist, halting his br
his gaze unwavering. I shook my head, tears streaming down my cheeks, my body shaking with fear and exhaustion, as I begged him to leave me alone, to let me wallow in my misery and despair, to disappear from my life forever. But
were like a balm to my battered soul, soothing and comforting, even as they filled me with dread and apprehension, a promise and a threat intertwined. For I knew, with a chilling certainty, that my life, as I had once known it, was over, the fi