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Reading History

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1108    |    Released on: 19/12/2024



using, but everything this girl does lately drives me fucking insane. I run a hand through

en the cocky ones like Elias Morales. He would swear blind h

famous poison used in the past

thrusts her hand in the air. Drawing my attention back

, Gu

a bell

t has been used for centuries

ple, and therefore it can be very difficult to detec

cts does it have on t

m, causing paralysis, even in the heart. And therefore

tensive knowledge of a deadly poison. It's clear my friend's wife is not cut out for the worl

the fire where Azira is concerned, as I glance over

pter thirteen and then write a short three hundred word essay on which poison you woul

my desk, I loosen my tie, which feels too damn tight. The room feels hot even though I know it

he pile. Teaching can be such mundane work and yet it helps me quieten that sadistic urge that follows me every step I take in life.

e that could have landed me in prison or worse. I was an enforcer for the Sidorov Bratva on the other side of the border in Toro

pheaval in my life set me off on a spree that I am not proud of. That's when Oak and I

cing the essay onto the desk. As alway

u. You ma

ays. Natalya Gurin has always been the smartest kid in class ever since she arrived

ents to stick around if their work is complete. When I glance up and see Lila Estrada handing in her essa

ou, Miss

nods, walking o

as I stare at Azira, who is still writing somew

swirls to life in my gut as I watch her, wishing I wasn't so taken by my student. It's an everyday struggle made worse by the fact I know deep down she's a

cock semi-hard and straining against the zipper of my pants. This day has alre

the paper as she clicks the lid on her pen. They meet mine and th

I ask, unable to stop my

d I don't normally find it in such mundane things like smiles or appearance. Normally, I s

k. She always calls me sir, whereas most of the students call me profe

I need to rein it in and squash any hopes she has that this can turn into an

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