Poet is an
h idle elbow
inging, like a
des and fancies
ng, which, in
e music of the
yrant, lifting
through the so
e,-oh no! un
s who doth no
n freely by ou
y's dross, the
spirit of t
s that hide thy
soul be yet
ings to soar
o more to-morr
efaced to speak
tar all the g
ire, the loving
no more the M
ward footsteps
d, like to the
gs of some new-l
no more, bu
was but gra
auty thou couldst
its highest t
est tost with s
arest voices
verfilled with
fear, and g
l-strung hands
her Earth with
ature is not c
y soul break i
ocean that i
pe, thy fear, thy
e what all its
dered crowd of b
lingers but a s
need of marty
texts for neve
e man's still
pe and sees wit
arger measure
reat forerunner
onèd where the
nder lifts it
gs down like a g
ink and find th
silence grow in
deep awe and
gladly, bend th
rtal like an