img Marie:a story of Russian love  /  Chapter 6 Pougatcheff | 46.67%
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Chapter 6 Pougatcheff

Word Count: 2978    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

ich and vast province of Orenbourg was inhabited by a number of tribes, half civilized, who had just recognized the sovereignty of the Russian Czars. Their continual revol

e and security of their districts, were restless and dangerous subjects of the empire. In 1772 a riot occurred in one of their chief towns. This riot was caused by the severity of the measures employed by General Traube

But the authorities had too easily believed in the feigned repentance of the rebels, who nu

re the moon. An order came from the Commandant, calling me to his presence. I went that instant. I found there Alexis, Ignatius and the Corporal of the Cossacks, but neither the wife nor daugh

en to what the General writes."

e name of the deceased Emperor Peter III, has assembled a troop of brigands, disturbed the villages of the Iaik, and has even taken and destroyed several fortresses, at the same time committing everywhere robberies and assassinations. Therefore

re is no dependence, be it said without reproach to thee, Maxim." The Corporal of the Cossacks smiled. "Gentlemen, let us do our part; be vigilant, post sentries, establish night patrols; in case of an attack, shut the

ent out with Alexis, speculating on what we had heard. "

At present there is no danger." And he b

a military secret. When he had received the General's letter he very adroitly rid himself of Basilia by telling her that the Greek priest had received from Orenbourg extraordinary news which he kept a great myst

that Polacca was imprisoned in the kitchen. She suspected that her husband had deceived her, and overwhe

ir fires; now as that might be dangerous, I assembled my officers, and gave them o

er husband's perfidy, but knowing that she could extract nothing from him at that moment, she ceased her questioning, and spoke of the pickled cucumbers which Accouline

attack from the Kirghis feared? Is it possible that Mironoff would hide from me so mere a trifle?" She called Ignatius, determined to know the secret that excited her woman's curiosity. Basilia began by making some remarks about household matters, like a

s and plenty of powder; I have cleaned the cannon. We may repulse thi

eff?" asked the

be carried off by the brigands. Soon every one talked of Pougatcheff, the current reports being very different. The Commandant sent out the Corporal to pick up information about him in all the neighboring villages and little forts. The Corporal returned after an absen

tized Kalmouk, made a very grave revelation to the Commandant. According to the Kalmouk, the Cossack made a false report; for to his comrades the perfidious Corporal said that he had advanced to the rebel camp, had been presented to their rebel chief, had kissed his hand and conversed with

uneasiness. A Bashkir was seized bearing seditious letters. Upon this occasion, the Commandant decided to call at once a council, and in order to do so, wished to s

ng several times, "Father Garasim h

g to call another council and talk in my absence of Imi

ar," said he, "since you know all, s

ox," said his wife; "s

s intention of marching directly upon our fortress, inviting the Cossacks and soldiers to join him, and advising the chiefs not to resist, threatening, in

at his feet. Ah! the son of a dog! He does not know that we have been forty years in service, and that, thank God,

in, "but it is said that the villain ha

is quite strong

mandant; "Basilia, give me the key of the garret. Ignatius,

out of the house, or else she will hear the screams and be frightened. And, to tell the tru

nse in matters of jurisprudence; for if the denial of the accused is not accepted as proof of his innocence, the confession which is torn from him by torture ought to serve still less as proof of his guilt. Even now I sometimes hear old judges regret the abolition of this barbarous custom. But in the time of our

ed at him and shuddered, involuntarily. Never shall I forget that man; he seemed at least seventy years of age, and had neither nose nor ears.

ebels punished in 1741. "You are an old wolf, I see; you have already been caught

d looked at the Commandant wit

; "do you not understand Russian? Zoulac, ask him

ptain's question. But the Bashkir looked at him wi

th a Tartar oath. "Come, take off his striped dress

like a poor little animal caught by children. But when one of the pensioners seized his hands to turn them around his neck and lift up the old man on his shoulders; when Zoulac took

essly into the room with a terrified air. "What has

m's boy has just returned. He saw how it was captured. The Commandant and all the of

young man, traveling with his bride coming from Orenbourg, had paid a visit to Captain Mironoff. The fort he comm

d the fate of Marie, a

ess to our last breath; that is understood, but the safety of the women must be though

ndeed it would be well to send you somewhere far

n what respect is our fortress unsafe? Thank God, we have lived here twenty and one

But what shall we do with Marie? It will be all well if we can keep off th

a few words, and was sile

fe, "it is not advisable that Marie stay here. Let us send her to Orenbourg, to her god-mother's. That is a well-manned fortress, with stone

go, for I will do nothing of the kind. It is not becoming, in my old age, to separate myself from

time to lose; tomorrow, at the dawn of day, she shall set out; she mus

wife. "She fainted upon hearing

red at supper with eyes red from tears. We supped in silence and rose from the table sooner than usual. Having bade the family good night, each one sough

send me to Orenbourg. Be happy. Perhaps G

tears. I folded

r happens, be sure that my last thought, my last prayer, will be for

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