ord Fro
e Blessed" ... again, I felt that the book was progressing a bit slo
ge and evaluate my writing so I could improve upon it and make it more of an enjoyable reading experi
g back from all of you. P
2025 by
wenty ye
e ... Rainier P
eful night for them. Their last fateful night occurred some four years ago when Alpha Julian Thu
it ominously hovers low midst a starless night sky; pr
through a dense forest. The vehicle cautiously moves along the dangerously uneven terrain at a speed never exceeding 15 mph on the s
h one in front, one behind, and the other beside the driver's side door. The one at the door gestures for the driver
rivate property. I'm going to have t
y, keeping his eyes looking forwa
at this is pri
umb to slowly move the gun's lever off the safety-position. Besides keeping an eye out for any suspicious movements in the van, the other two sentr
e telling me is that you knowingl
thin, pallid lips. Again, refraining from turning to
s slightly longer across his lips. "That's right, I notice
turns to face
coming of you
ses his professional deme
quickly i
used us of 'knowingly trespassing upon the property'. But tell me n
informed about anyone being expected. Wh
around and keeps his e
the bequest of our Matriarch, Countess Esmeralda Ardelean, with orders to pi
then slowly moves, first using his left hand to pull back his blazer, and then, moving even more slowly, uses his right hand to reach in and pull out an envelope closed with
ructed us to give to your Alpha Julian ...
ver the seemingly official-looking
why weren't we notified
ips as he turns slowly turns to face the
ing positions in the pack have no need to know of important matter
and out of frustration instinctively tightens his grip around the handle and butt of the sub
fuck do you
; and with that annoyingly provoking smirk still etched across
to bring her grandniece back to Transylvania. I would think that even a lowly watchdog would have a
ntry, expanding that smirk a
y did, and yo
l those present two jeeps heading from the compound's direction pull up to the checkpoint. Gamma Raymond Silva, head of the pack's Security Defense
down, X
his eyes looking forward as he snidely
stand dow
rigidly. The gamma comes up behind the infuriated
re." Gamma Ray steps up to the driver'
orward as he exaggeratedly huffs, t
Clan of the Old Order, Countess Esmeralda Ardelean, to bring her grandniece, Katarina Ardel
r three hulking sentries ... reaches in and tightly grasps hold behind the b
efense Unit, and in charge of overseeing all of the pack's defensive and offensive procedural protocol
ly fading, the driver nervously nods. The gam
ur previous inquiry ... you will repeat it
to look the gamma directly i
to creep its way back into t
ssion that we're on, don't you? Do you always make it a habit o
n closer and rests his massive arms on top of the cargo van;
sentry over there blow you
fades away, and the driver
ck away from the vehicle. "I'll take
ds the jeep, but is moment
im the letter. "They brought this letter fro
ter. "Thanks. I'll see
eps away, the s
again, Ga
.. but why weren't we told a
is head and lets o
just informed about it myself by Delta Colin
logies for my
is hand upon the s
d; I see no impertinence in your
Gamma Ray ... And I will do my be
ure yo
y, but momentarily stops to
sure not to shoot any visiting emissaries.
sentry a quick wink
r, unde
signaling for the cargo van to follow it. The tiny entourage sets off to the alpha's mansio
's gate, one of the othe
cut down that smart-ass bloods
t to reflect upon the situ
it's a good thin
's t
ty sure that means that that servant Irena of hers will be going as well. Which mean
ht. ... If you ask me, Alpha Julian should have never
isdain, "Now all we have to do is get rid of the goo
ary 12, 2025,