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Reading History


Word Count: 1958    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

er from Mr. Hadley, Blake remained silent. Nor did hi

o you think o

breath, and repl

you thi

d Joe. "No, but seriously,

You mean goin

p Alcando. What do

not answ

d Joe, rathe

or did-strike you as being-well, let's say-queer?

runaway, and he did have a narrow escape, if I do say it myself.

ght," asse

ut because it was we who saved him. He acted-I mean the Spaniard did-

you felt the same. But perhaps it was only because

we who saved him, I don't see that it need matter. He is probably so polite tha

s you say, it doesn't much

ou'd think he was on the stage the way he went on after he learned that we two, who

hat it all meant

earn, in a most sensational manner, the reason

ut as the day waned, and the supper hour approac

until morning,"

. "We can think better aft

n he saw his chum sitting out in a hammock under a tree i

ing; aren't you?" called Joe. "It's a wo

esides, I've been on the jump too much to allow an ordina

But what's that you're reading; and wha

n into the village after bre

Spaniard he could, or

the town library. You know they've got

dn't suppose they'd be ope

, and I was the first custom

at what he's reading!" he went on as he caught a glimpse of

ting book!" declared B

read it," sa

nt to read it," went o

udden idea. "You've made up your

hum slowly, "I have

oceeded. "You've made up your mind to go, and you're getting all the advance information

s deserved. "You know we promised to stick together when we came away from the farms and started i

! And if you go t

ore serious, and probably a deeper thinker than his chum. "But I went over it in

ve amounted to much. So if he wants us to go to Panama, and get views of the

Joe. "But are there really vo

e again. Anyhow, the slides are always more or less like

t, Joe! Nine miles long, with an average depth of 120 feet, and at some places the sides go u

"You're there with the

lides. At first they were terribly discouraging to the workers. They practically put the French engineers, who started the Canal, o

the top soil from slipping down. But they finally had to make it nearly three times that

ur even now," remar

he work isn't q

get one of those s

I don't see but wh

ectionately slapping his chum on the back with such

after you!" cried Blake, as he picked up the volume. "We


o. Have you tol

d better write to Mr. Hadley first, and let him know we will go. He'll won

ore of his plans, we can let Mr. Alcando hear from

ameras and things. He can be a sort of a

rk, and while waiting for an answer Blake and Joe spent

in our vacation we want to mak

d not yet given the Spaniard a defini

that showed his white teeth, in strong contrast to his dark complexion. "I am not

t for him the comradeship they might have manifested toward one of their own nationality. He was p

covered from the accident, though there was a nervousness in his actions at times that set the boys to wond

to Joe, after one of those occa

ugh he were sorry he had to be under obligations t

nly imagine it. Hello, here comes Mr. Baker w

Lee written y

warned Blake, h

onveyed news and information that made Blake and

cando with u

ough it could not be said that

ell him, so he'll k

an ride over on

icture boys were at the only hotel of which Central Falls boasted. Mr. Alc

my young friends!" he cried, as he saw them, and getting up hastily from a t

e, later, "as though he were

alled," the Spaniard said, "and

Blake, "we

table. One, seemingly part of a letter, was blown to Blake's feet. He picked it up, and, as

l the pictures you can, e

f staring eagerly

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