l wife and said " It must
nd it brings pain remembering
from her eyes expla
e coming with large soldiers to lunch attack. Which brought fear within him because it was sudden. He rushed into my mothers room looking at my mother and I with tears and said to the soldiers ["Arranged the horse and take my children an
to console her for the predicament that had h
e soldiers were killed and we were captured and talked back to the castle. On getting there my father and elder brother and some high ranking officials have been captured and fear gripped my heart. Running to my father and brother. Before knowing it my uncle(uncle Mir )came out with a disgusting laughter. Mocking the officials and my parents. Then my father who was disappointed said with anger "It was you all along? So what Will you gain from this?". Then he laughed in anger " This empire has always been mine, me regaining it with this method is fine " Then my mother who was ill said with a weak voice" No you are wrong, only this wat will you be a dog to the ravenshades ". Hearing this the leader of the ravenshades soldiers got angry and drew his sword and walked towards my mother. The he lifted the sword to kill her then my father protecting her gave his life for her and suddenly blood gushed out of his neck breathing heavily. And tears could not fall anymore as if it's well it's dried except for bit
gain to console and looked at her in the
g at her in the eyes kissed her and made his f
tory kissed back and pulled Marcus clothes
egan{ Having sex