ower. The great hall of Elias' family estate gleamed with gold and silk, its walls bearing the sigil of his noble bloodline. Toni
he evening felt grand, almost untouchable, yet beneath the surface, something stirred. A faint noise-distant, unna
hild, felt the wron
it hap
storm. Their beaks tore through fabric and flesh, their talons raking across faces. Panic erupted. Wine spilled,
ddenly as they came, the birds were gone. The room was silent except for the moans of the dying. Elias'
g dark. He was the only one left b
rse Ta
ut the nightma
othing but destruction in its wake. The people, filled with rage and fear, took up arms and hu
bear the shame of their transformation, banished before they turned on their o
Elias w
ealed in
y. They knew the signs-the slow change, the hunger in his eyes, the ni
was writt
nown world, there were whispers of a cure. A secret l
find the truth before the mon
the very thing th