briskly toward the door, fumble hastily with my
are shaking. I take a few deep breaths to calm mys
mp from the shock. I'm still hig
s hitting the tiled floor echoes throughout the lobby. She
she sees that it's me on the couch
smile disappears when she realizes how
e too well to buy that. Or maybe
ry? Is he okay?" She takes a seat on the couch acro
a little paranoid. Just the mention of something bad happening to He
atherine lightly rub
anymore. I've been fighting this alone, on my own, for too
ere," Catherine says. "It
elligible. The world around me has become a bl
you can tell me a
ook like shit right now. I bet my face is all red and blotchy. I catch my breath
herine everything.
She knows why I have to adopt Henry, m
men, and she shouldn't have had children. Her boyfriends always drin
ng habit. For as long as I can remember, Mom alway
's house, and I was shocked to see her mom prepare an
enry table. She often runs out of money to pay the bills. She can't even
k, and I've worked hard
andom times, asking for money to pay the bills, because, as she'd say, "T
w Mom would be happy to get him off her hands, s
gh. And this is the part I haven't tol
m fought me when I tried
paying her. She said she was going to repo
h!" Cather
to avoid taking the legal route because eve
ht? You know she's a money-sucking vampire who won'
seemed like a good idea a
ld've been ch
l I turned twenty-one a few months ago. As soon as that happened, though, I hired a lawy
om and a lawyer? How
tears continue streaming down my face. "An
. My mom kept asking for more and more money,
tell me? I could
ough. You covered my portion of
ble, I would've gone out less, maybe take a bagged lunch
therine . And I'll make
money, but damn. I earn about the same amount as you do and I don't have an
dn't do
ve, Catherine . Plus, by the time I got a lawyer
m the bank, right? Or
but that still wa
ine gives me a grave look. She kno
I say quickly in one breath before I can
h. F
h do you
ld have it all paid off in no time," I say. I'm lying again, but what ca
tudies me with her brown eyes. She sighs, knowing she
kay? I'll do anything to help you,"
elf to smile so Cat
and turning in my
an't solve my problems. I still have a huge, debilitating debt,
though, was make it painfully
he risk of failing to satisfy Felix Joe anywa
mithFoster, I'd pick th
shining armor, but he's obvi
one I'm actually attracted to, in
to either one of those two anyw
cards right, I can get enough money to put Henry through college. That w
s just a thin membrane in my vagina. It's just sex. I need to be practical
I pick up the trash can by the desk and take it outside, car
m up. The last thing I need right now is more
trash. The whole apartment is quiet, except for the sound o
ve I'm actual
s business card. For once, I'm gl
ar, the craziest thing I'll ever do. Not even Catherine would go for
ype a message. I stare at the letters until my e
f my life, but I can't tell right now if I'll re
dy to n
the Send