like a distant echo, as though she no longer belonged to this world. The wind wailed and the full moon illuminated the scene with a pale light, bathing the clearing where the pack was
r mercilessly. The surprise and brutality of the attack shook Isla to her core, leaving her frozen in place, paralyzed by an instant that felt eternal. How could
voice broken, the cry of desp
dn't respond. And
are. But there was nothing. Only the storm raging with fury and the echoes of battle that still resonated around her.
ning toward her with a pale face and eyes full of fear. By his side, a few warriors of the
didn't know if she should cry, scream, or just give up. The responsibility of leading the pack weighed on her like a yoke she ha
e tense. It seemed like he wanted his sister to make the
nto her body. Her knees were weak, but she knew she couldn't stay th
, Isla - Jasper insis
What should she do? She wasn't ready to be the leader, but her mother's death had left her wit
he middle of the darkness, she saw a male figure slowly approaching, as if he were gliding b
ated around in the pack's whispers, but until now, he had made no significant moves in his pursuit. Yet
owing neither compassion nor surprise at what had happened. In his eyes, Isla saw something else: a
his voice lacked warmth. It was more
m, her face marked by ang
ly now, not breaking eye contact with him. - My mother is
fixed on her, evaluating her, as if
, serene, almost unsettling. - But it's clear that now y
fused by the cold
nable to hide the sarcasm. - And
step toward her, not
ader. And I have my own interests. - His smile was faint, b
her uneasy, but she also understood him: he was a man who, l
oment, she had to make decisions that could change everything. The future of the pack
, raising his voice once more, this time
opened her eyes and looked at Levi once again. She knew
replied without hesitation, although the truth
flicker of doubt crossed his face
slowly, as if everything
just a symbol. It was a battlef