ark on a journey neither of them fully understood, but both knew it was the only way to find
is voice calm, but with a hint
nly those with great purpose could hope to find it. For centuries, the artifact had remained untouched, hidden deep within the heart of the savannah, surrounded b
he whispered, more to
had come to Ndomo seeking the artifact for his own reasons, but as they spent more time together, he realized that his reasons were no longer the
more rugged and unfamiliar. The further they ventured into the savannah, the more she could feel the land's pulse. It wasn't just a
, urging her forward. But as they continued, the journey became increasingly difficult. The heat was unbearable, and the wild an
s dangerous for more than just the creatures of the land," he had told her. "It's the land itse
also feared what would happen if she truly embraced the artifact's power. The pull of it was undeniable, a constant thrum in the back of he