img A Knight on Wheels  /  Chapter 8 THE HAMPSTEAD HEATH CONSPIRACY | 25.81%
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Reading History


Word Count: 2247    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

d go. Peggy was climbing down fro

!" he said b

er greeted

replied. "Goi

ewildered Philip. "Didn'

I wasn't thinking about you at

me here at half-past three

gy, abandoning her strategical position, wom

h chime fell musically on their e

y sorry," s

l," replied Peggy, still

ety where it was not wanted. He turned to go. "It's a pity I'm late," he added regretful

d in an instant. She deliberatel

ere if you like," she inti

rity, but the touch of Peggy's froggy pa

"you are cold! Put


it yourself

ip was i

shivering all over. You can give me

ciable sparrows. Peggy, whose teeth were chattering, snuggled gratefully into the warmth of the big co

fortable now

"I'm glad you came," she add

d not know that one must neve

girl answered

tting fri

d her arm roun

arm or resentment. Being what he was, nothing but a very gallant little gentleman, he res

l right," he s

r news," com

ed breathlessly, her eyes and lips forming three rou

she said that was the question only one woman

sense of this unusual passage of syntax.

now?" asked P

t her," said Philip. "I forgot

Miss Falconer, he recited the tale

ict came hot

ast to treat

to him in the end," sai

you think?" asked Peggy,

p pon

said at last. "But

nued Peggy, "what w

suddenly turned a corner, and ne

ee how I can. I have broken an order. I told Uncle Joseph about meeting you, and he forbade me

Peggy rep

"But when I saw Uncle Joseph and the lady-like"-he coug

orders," observed Mis

am not going to live under his r

e wh


it is very good work. Anyhow, I hate it. I can't go back to it. I only went on beca

want you now," sa

nscious of a

never thought of that.

hough," observed his sage couns

now any other boys. I want to grow up and be a man, and travel about all over

Peggy, sudde

fairly soaring now. "Have you

ok her he

said. "Is

ome knights who met there. They used to r

" asked Peg

Philip, exemplified by his desire to roam, was jan

" explained Philip


f bravery; but the very best things a knig

a Lady?" said Peggy, growi

rmed any great deed he wouldn't care anything about himself. He wou


nsidered the point before. With him,

ould praise him, and go on bein

n constriction round his neck. Peggy appeared to be about to make

you going

said the prospective Galahad regretfully. "But I

ide. "He won't require you now that his Lady has com

hilip, "will be to make a start at being anyth

said Miss Falc

out her plans to her

id. "I will put you into the studio: Dad is n

turned to Phil

ened?" she enquired,

rightened," replied

supper, and no one will know. Then, when Mother comes to see me in bed, I shall tell her about you, and we will sett

whisper. She dropped off the gate, dislodging her companion-who it will be remembere

am not allowed to stay out after

Breathing heavily, the two small conspirators stole round to the north side of the house, and presently came t

back," said Peg

ip o


s Falconer succeeded in working her small

ngth. "Stand up slowly, wi

, his fair burden maintaining her balanc

ndid adventure!

Philip, with te

eggy. "Bend forward a little, with your hands against th

a harlequin dive through the open window. There was a dull thud on the floor inside, followed by a brief silence. Then there was the sound of some one moving

was built out in the form of a penthouse, and was roofed with glass. In the middle of the floor stood a small platform, covered with a rug. On the platform stood a sofa, and on the sofa re

It represented an infant of improbably angelic aspect asleep in a cot

g here is a model-throne. You can sleep on it to-night. Nobody will disturb you. Dad never comes here until after ten in the morning, and non

a somewhat dishevelled condition. Her red tam-o'-shanter was white with plaster. Her frock was stained all down the front, and o

rself!" cried Phil

much, except when you bend your knee suddenly. Now I must go and have tea in the schoolroom. When I see Mother I shall tell her about you, and she will know what to

rapery, and dubiously surveyed the

th," he enquired, "and it

e dimpled. The game of conspir

ith a stick," she announced, "before I co

are awfully clever," he added admiringly, a

den rush of colour swept across her face and neck, and for a momen

id shyly, "I'll be yo

somewhat remiss in not having made the suggestion himself, was left

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