lter's and another man's. I could see the distant monster shape of one. He was at first so far away that all his outline was visible. A seated man in a huge white room. I thought there were g
d to be a
d shoulders. He wore a white linen coat, open, soft collar and b
s familiar about his face. It was wrinkled and seamed
his white shirt and coat, a black splotch of
ow cry. "Why-
's words were not needed, t
determined to compound no more of our drugs? You would rather I
addressed. He must have
ce toward me. "George, i
't let him know I
was an agonized cry. The blur of him
nding, I could envis
I haf her here, safe. You always knew I would nefer be satisfied
, don't anger him. Do what he says. Dr. Polter, will you let me be with my father? Af
Babs iss
, after all these years wh
s them. He can do that. And that last secret reaction, only he can perform. He iss stubborn.
! I want only t
ce floated up to us. "Yo
ing. But you n
on, years of being beaten down, rebelling-but now this last blow
I will not make your drugs, Polte
ow we bargain. What do you care what I do to your world?
o ca
am done with the Earth world. It iss much nicer here. My friends, they haf a good time always. We like this littl
voice fell to an intimate tone of comradeship
ng assistant, the hunchback Polter. Iss it not so? Then why should we quarrel now? I am gifing up t
to say," retorte
dred feet. I haf a place, a room, secluded from prying eyes under a dome roof. I become very tall, holding a piece of gold. It is large when I am a hundred feet tall. So
, now. I am gifing up the Earth world. The mysterious man they know as Frank Rascor will vanish. I will hide our little fragment of quartz. No one up there will even try to find it. The
e will be friends, Kent. Our little Babs will lof me; why should she n
e now. That was her request, a moment ago. If
not spare her now. I am very bu
he bars of our cage. She called; "W
w, litt
e with my
t. She wanted the cage put on the floor, herself out, and a chance for me to
t now. I will take you with me on my last trip out. I
fresh drugs I will need to bring down all my men from the outer world. They will all be glad to come
and gif you the catalyst for that
whirl as Polter turned and left the room, lockin
ller ones adjoining, was at once his workshop and his prison. He stood at his shelves, selecting the basic chemicals. He coul
automatic; he had done all this so many times before. His mind was confused, and he was trembling from hea
me down from the world above. It was disast
nly hear
Two small figures were there on the floor beside him. They
boat, then diminished again and had come running throud; he sat in a chair while Alan swiftly told him what had happened. Babs was in t
l, Father. We have the
Show me. Oh, my boy, th
ry. We'll get
ted fingers could get out the vials. They took some of the diminish
's the wrong dr
rembling hand spilled some of the p
an held an opalescent
y, "Listen! Is tha
hing footsteps. A moment passed
"That was nothing. W
, after all
a very queer sound came from across the room.
unning across the floor. The fly ha
ging drug
the drug on the floor. And from the wa