akes that move I must
y above the bishop and were about to close upon it, when I was
then smiled. It was one of those indulgent smiles with which
ose counsel he could not condescend to rank very high, he did what most
ng care that h
more in view just then than the mere winning of the game. The time had ar
advice," I said slowly. "But there are reasons
apology with a graceful, deprecatory wave of his white hand. He was very proud of th
ution of the mystery of those lost duc
isturb one or two of the pieces. He looked intently at me, and during the stare I put the pieces upon their
theft had completely baffled the officials of the Government from His Excellency, General von Erlang
kward affair," I added
tone was stiff. He intended me to understand
move toward the m
cupied that I have won every game. To-night you have been alternately smiling and depressed; it is an easy inference, therefore
ain; and presently looked across the board at me wi
ing more. What, pray, do you think the solution is?" It never ent
onable time in discovering what wa
tended. Then the frown changed to a sneer, masked w
our Government to fall under
onal flippancy. I was not in the least awed by his eminent position, while he him
ul. But such matters as this--" and he waved his white hand again loftily; as though
y become governess to his two girls in order to make a
cy send for your da
in him. If you wish to interest a m
hat pu
see there is
s now interested enough to wish me to do so. I let my fingers dawdle among
led envelope which I gave her six days ag
murmured, wrinkling his b
te a usual person," I
our me. His brows straightened out, and his purse
Gilmore, if a little unusual, as
k, not looking at the board and not speaking until his daught
said to her. "She wishes you to bring it to me. Has it really any con
d a girl in my position, here only a few
nning in his own mind, he had no dif
he asked, with a little fret
iagnosis as a somewhat unusu
owing his eyes, and with an impatient gesture he leaned back again. I
sarcasm and irritation. I was to understand that a man of his exalted importance was not to
from the board
ed the mate problem with my hand, but my eyes contradicted the gesture. He believed the eyes, and
s sense of dignity and piqued curiosity was quite amusing. But I was careful not to show my amu
part of some silly childish game to which he had
ll I do w
open it?" I s
brows and smiled, obviously excusing himself to himself for his
with astonishment, his lips were pressed close together to check the exclamation of surprise that rose to them; even his colour ch
my moment
aid again, lightly. "It is a most i
out of considera
mean?" he asked,
mewhat simpering stupidity. "I was trying my hand at adapting the French prover
" he exclaimed
: "It is the answer to your Excellency's question as to my opinion of the solution. If yo
round as though the very furniture m
served, with a carelessne
d then striking a match burnt it with great deliberation, watch
tte has had thi
dical," I replied, slowly. "I meant to
d his face very stern as he paused befor
ve further charge of my two daughters, Miss Gi
rness to your children, but to enter the service of the Government. This is the evidence of my capaci
inished he frowned-not in anger but in thought. Presently a slight smile, very slight and rather grim, d
sh the game, y
aconically, a twink
for your Excell
yer, Miss Gilmore.
ys been fond
od at g
meaningly. "One has to see two or three moves
this out. You may have made a miscalcula
game, your
very co
am sure o
h and after studying th
ve. It is my chance. Check now,
I resign. And now we will talk. You play a good game an
ns, the stakes are worth winning,
girls of your age
y-three," I
your age is generally looking for a
t," said I. "Besides, I may have been a girl," I added, demurely
" he aske
rl, I hope-but w
aking a confidant of an ol
aying before you m
in political intrigue? Tell me, the
your Excellency's Governm
mer indulgent superiority in
ortunities as yo
ther cleve
seen the jewels in Madame
r surprised, but the
mewhat dangerous young woman i
culously eas
will explai
Count Karl had stolen the jewels, and that his object would only be to give them to the Countess, I had only to gain a
d, I c
to indulge in a s
so that she kept me in the house some hours. I was able to amuse her; and
ked for
ot so crude and inartistic in my met
f of the statement cried
speak of matters which necessitated her going to that hiding-place, and interested her until she forgot th
them back?" he
up and answere
erstand me or my motives, I fear. I could
quickly, adding with a touch of malice. "But y
o far successful that I won the Countess' co
credentials, I suppose?" he said, h
for no cr
ting you so badly as to take you into her
oured by even your confidence in giving me m
w up hi
cretion with which you have since justified my con
t, together, we should m
o her, Miss Gilmor
no difficulty in co
ll you that I am in no way dependent upon my work for my living. I am an American, as I have told you, but not a poor one; and
e. Yet you spoke of-of a re
vernment; to go my own way, to use my own methods, and to rely only upon you where I may need the machinery at your disposal. My succ
unusual terms so long tha
She is the secret agent of her Government. She has not told me that, or I should not tell
a deep
he murmured; then bluntly:
sure you would make, General
markable young wom
ood-night. I am no longer your daughter's governess
consideration as showed me I had impressed him quite as deeply as I could have wished. P