ugh the jungles would be dangerous indeed if tigers were likely to be encountered. The only wild animals to be found are the small and comparatively harmless tree-
he python is a dangerous animal, and can kill a deer or a wild pig, and swallow
ot exceed the height of four feet two inches, though there are stories told of its attaining a far greater size. The height, however, gives a poor idea of the animal's bulk and strength. The body is as large as that of an average man, but the legs are ex
of human lives taken by them is not great. For the most
rrel. If, however, the crocodile breaks the truce and kills someone, then the Dyaks set to work to kill the culprit, and keep on catching and killing crocodiles until they find him. The Dyaks generally wear brass
ze, are plucky little animals, and will attack a boar three or four times their size. Such dogs are of great value to the few Dyaks in each village who care for hunting. When the dogs are good and know their work, native hunting is not difficult. The hunter loiters about, and the dogs beat the jungle for themselves, and when they have found a scent, give tongue, and soon run the animal to bay. The hunt
ause they have not the strength to go any gr
, and the deer is driven into these. The hunting party divide into two parties, some to watch the net, the others, accompanied by a large crowd of women and children, drive the deer towards it by ye
the lamps are lit. It eats up any mosquitoes or moths that it can find. What happens to this animal in t
t night, and cries "Gok-ko!" at intervals. This animal is named after its cry, and is called by the Dyaks "Gok-
an change its colour. When in the sun, it is generally a bright green, in the shade, it is brown in colour, and when dead, its body becomes
fferent kinds, which fly about in large flocks. There are also tiny humming-birds withpay great heed to their cries. The Dyaks know nothing of the God of Love who cares for His children, and has sent His Son Jesus Christ to earth to te