img From Farm to Fortune; or, Nat Nason's Strange Experience  /  Chapter 9 FIRST DAYS IN NEW YORK | 30.00%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1485    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

down to talk to Mrs. Talcott. He found her a very pleasa

id she. "He had both a brother and a sis

ell papers

route besides, which he carries

oesn't he? Excuse me for asking, but yo

d a quarter a week, and he make

rs a week is bett

Dick a place this fall. That will

ob at six or seve


oing out in the morn

t very hard to

ind something," answ

o many come in from the country and

York City. I could study

just as it should be. This is east and this is west, and here is where this house is located, an

nd during that time located Broadway, and

big city," said he. "One coul

week, if you wish," said Mrs. Talc

from the long train ride and from studying the map. It

he mused. "It's sink or

e heard Dick Talcott get up, he dressed and

id you sleep?

ring. Are you going o


ve advertisements of Help Wanted i

unless you wish. I'll let you look over


his package of morning newspapers. He showed Nat where to look for the a

ng worth looking up?" aske

leefully. "It will be an easy m

ew York boy g

fool your

re the adve

ed young fellows

Nat's fa

e sure

self. A good job isn't open m

better hu

m how he could get around from one place to the next with the least walking. Nat started o

e murmured. "But he has

actory, where an assistant packer was desired, at eight dollars per week. Arriving the

doesn't go begging long," th

nto the office. He faced a tall, sharp-

id the man. "Had any e


use you

t the man in

ou pleas

was elbowed toward the door by some others who wanted the po

and stopped short. "All right, he can

ent, a hardware store, and a wholesale rubber factory. At none of these places was he

work, that's certain!" h

seed store. Here a very elderl

he slowly. "Have you had any

t I am willi

very fast. You look like a country lad." And the eld

t if you'll give me a c

you very much

w m

rs and a h

that. I've got

an shrugged h

better look e

a little more? I am w

rs a week after the first month, but

got to earn more," and after a little a

it down with a drink of water from a cooler in a railroad ticket office. Then he went on his way once more, but at sundown had

mething," said Mrs. T

ad one position, but it only paid two dolla

m so

gain. I am bound to strike

relish. There were two other boarders-girls who worked in a

," said one of the girls. "They

xperienced wrappers,"

. "And I am much obliged to you f

w with him, and at noon he found a position in a wholesale paper house. One of the clerks was going

Dick Talcott, on hearing the

"But even if it doesn't,

could afford to pay him seven dollars for the little he was called on to do. Everybody tr

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