turmoil cramme
pit-a-pat of po
advantage, he knew he had little mercy to expect. He therefore wore under his jerkin a "secret," or coat of chain mail, made so light and flexible that it interfered as little with his movements as a modern under waistcoat, yet of such proof as he might safely depend upon, every ring of it having been wrought and joined by his own hands. Above this he wore, like others of his age and degree, the Flemish hose and doublet, which, in honour of the holy tide, were of the best superfine English broadcloth, lifrank and manly deportment, though indicating a total indifference to danger, bear the least resemblance to that of the bravoes or swashbucklers of the day, amongst whom Henry was sometimes unjustly ranked by those who imputed the frays in which he was so often engaged
his quality of Valentine would presently give him the title to present, and her to receive, without regard to maidenly scruples. It was a small ruby cut into the form of a heart, transfixed wi
ve h
h mail
much satisfied with his composition, because it seemed to i
rough the still silent streets, determined to ap
of the sky, that he was at least an hour too early for his purpose, and that it would be better not to appear at the place of rendezvous till nearer the time assigned. Other gallants were not u
tunate than myself? No - no, I will be wise for once, and keep at a distance from all temptation to a broil. They shall have no more time to quarrel with me than just what it may require for me to give t
nce the approach of dawn, however distant, which, to the impatience of the stout armourer, seemed on that morning to abstain longer than usual from occupying her eastern barbican. He was now passing slowly under the wall of St.
round him, somewhat startled at an address
. "Do thou make great speed, or thou wilt scarc
ossing himself, "your advice touches me but too d
ot made three steps towards Simon Glover's, which stood in the midst of the narrow street, when two men started from under the houses on different side
urer, in the deep stern voice which cor
ith his cloak, dashed his arm in the man's face, and tripping him at the same time, gave him a severe fall on the causeway; while almost at the same instant he struck a blow with his whinger at the fellow who was upon his right hand, so severely applied, that he also lay prostrate by his associate. Meanwhile, the armourer pushed forward in alarm, for which the circumstance of the street being guarded or defended by strangers who conducted themselves with such violence afforded sufficient rea
you are discovered, and
de his words good, had not the man, raising his arm, received on his hand the blow meant for
hich the burghers were wont to collect, he rushed on the night walkers, one of whom was in the act of ascending the ladder. The smith seized it by the rounds, threw it down on the pavement, and placing his foot on the body of the man who had been mounting, prevented him from regaining his feet. His ac
n to awaken and appear on the street in their shirts, with swords and targets, and some of them with torches. The assailants now endeavoured to make their escape, which all of them effected excepting the man who h
neighbours who began to assemble; "make after the rogues. They cannot all
" said the citizens; "up
me to manage this fellow
ons, their lights flashing and their cries re
sing both promises and threats to obtain it. "As thou art a gent
al of the Wynd, a burgess of Perth; and
t not what! But let me go, and I wil
ead presently," said the armourer, "unle
he window. "I hear thy voice in another tone than I expected. What is
windows, father Simon; but I am like to prove godfather to on
rescue me from the gripe of this iron fisted and leaden pated clown, and I will show thee that
this young man speak with me. There is no danger in him, I promise you. Stay but an instant where you are, and let no one
he door, leaving Henry a little surprised at the unexpec
in that place without her permission and assent, and for which I will promise her a wax candle at her shrine, as long as my whinger; and I would I had had my two handed broadsword instead, both for the sake of St. Johnston and of the rogues, for of a certain those whingers are pretty toys, but more fit for a boy's hand than a man
m amongst the tombs, supporting betwixt them a third, who had probably got some of your marks about him, Harry. They got to the postern gate before we could ove
t brother of their convent sitting up to open the gate of the sanctuary
"but, truly, if he be poor in purse as well as in spirit, he
and spoke. He was a brisk, forward, rather corpulent little man, called Oliver Proudfute, reasonably wealth
by the lights which were brought into the streets -"what mann
urer, "seemed to me, as well as I could obser
reaches in our walls are not repaired, and that these landlouping Highland scoundrels are le
and as this tie a Highlandman's brogues? It is large, indeed, and bony, but as fine as a lady's, with a ring that sparkles like a gl
to gaze on the bloody to
for it, since the justiciar will scarce think the protecting a burgess's house an
om all our noble kings and progenitors, as being their loving liegemen? And would you have us now yield up our rights, privileges, and immunities, our outfang and infang, our handhaband, our back bearand, and our blood suits, and amer
old man, who stood leaning on a two han
t, and presenting to him the piteous case of our being called forth from our beds at this season, with little better covering than these shirts, I would show him this bloody token, and know from
have kept our watch and ward like men, and our jolly smith hath given a warning to those that would wrong us, which shall be worth twenty proclamations of the king. Tomorrow is a new day; we will consu
hbour Craigdallie! S
loquence can overcome all inconveniences in time, place, and circumstances. But no one would listen, and
glover's house opened, and seizing the smi
risoner?" deman
t out at the back door, and so through the little garden. Think not of him, bu
apon," said the smith, "l
, and with villain's blood on thy fingers, that she may know what is the value of a true man's service. She has stopped my mouth