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Reading History

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 2178    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


the veld. From morning to night he poured down hotness on the world, and when he rolled round to sleep, a hot wind blew-and blew-and blew-till he woke to shine again.

alled the animals to

lice. Leopard, Hyena, Babiaan, Jakhals, Hare and Tortoise were in front; they were the chief ones. The smaller ones, like Dassie, Mierkat, and Hedgehog, were at the sides; and Zebra, Springbok, Ostrich and Giraffe waited in the veld to hear the news. They pretended t

ut in the watermelon slice with their dry tongues hanging out, and every time they looked at the sky to see if any clouds were coming up. But no! The sky was just like a big, hot soap-pot turne

lled it about in his mouth to get the dryness

a drought; when it is at its worst, the bottom of the clouds falls out, and the water runs away fast, fast, to the sea, where there is too much water already, and the poor karroo is left again without any. Even if a land-rain

ly,' said

nly,' sa

ly,' said

at the Lady Moon, and then put his nose into the

y. Each one had a different plan, and each one talked without listening to the other. It was like a Church bazaar-yes, baasjes, long ago when Outa

head under his patchwork shell-said, 'Let us go now

ed, they bored, they pushed and they rolled; and they all did their best, so that the dam could be ready when the rain came. Only lazy Jakhals did not w

why should I be so foolish as to scratch

," too, when Oom asked us

f my word? That was last night. Don't you know yet that a thing is one colour

mals that were working so hard, and laug

ng so hard? Those who do

ou know?'

ee,' said sly Jakhals,

jes, that truly you can't see the wall at the other side, even when you stand on a high kopje. Yes, so Outa has heard from truth-telling people. The milk-bushes and karroo-bushes grew green again, and the little veld flowers burst out of the hard ground, an

ad for the water! From far and n

the dam and drank as much water as he wanted, and filled his clay pot with some to take home. Then he swam round and round to get cool, making the w

m Leeuw was

re with the workers? Who ever heard of such a thing? Hoorr-rr-rr! Here, Broer Babiaan, take this big

re was old Broer Babiaan lying amongst the bushes. But Jakhals was too schelm for him. He made as if he didn't

ting! Honna

t, swee

he came to the end of a line, he dipped hi

s lips. 'What do I want with their old dirty wate

He crept out from his hiding-place, a little nearer, and a little nearer, and at last he couldn't keep quiet any longer. When Jakhals

pretending to be startled. 'What a schrik you g

ust taking a little walk

e you got tha

dig out

want some of m

ls,' said Broer Babi

ill you give

l your pot with wa

now how fond you are of this sweet water, Broer, so I'll let

he just threw the kierie to Jakhals, but just as he was goi

'I'll show you a better way. It wil


if you don't lie down at once, you

s time that he was ready to believe anything, so he lay

e you with my riem, and then

said Broer Ba

about looking after the dam. It goes so, my baasjes, when a person thinks only of what he wants and not of

round, sticking his fingers into th

ting! Honna

t, swee

Babiaan. 'You said you would f

m me,' said Jakhals, and-kraaks-he gave poo

way. But there was no one to help him, so he could only scream and r

Broer Babiaan's head, while he ran off and drank as much water as he wanted, and swam, and stirred up th

ting! Honna

t, swee

enjoy the sweet water you'll get from Oom Leeuw wh

ment of Br


was sad! They came in a long string, big ones and little ones, and each one stopped in front of the big stone and stuck out his tongue, then turned round and stuck out his tail-yes, s

w untied Broer Babiaan and let him go, and off he went to the

finish now. See, here comes Lys with the baasjes' supper, a

away, turning in the passage doorway to paw the air

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