tage over another whose position is straining and uncomfortable. Formerly the approved position was to stand with the right side toward the target. This required the head to be turned ninety degr
ft, and pointing directly toward the target, the weight of the body supported equally by both legs and perfectly balanced. Others shoot with the feet close together;
stands firmly on both feet. The left arm falls straight down along the left side
ns, he shoots with the right arm fully extended, and he
t health, and has his large muscular development well under
those preceding. It is tenseless and flexible permitt
nt Petty are characteristic and typical
physique. Their positions which resemble e
Fig. 65.-C. S. Axtell F
estingly unconventional. He has perfect
position. He shoots with his arm not full
en of entirely different stature but almost identical in physique. Their p
s of individuals referred to in this chapter, s