itics in the
ical poli
is anti-Pers
f spreading Hell
the leader
er ideal figure i
nce of a foreign po
rsia, or M
r on Demo
estimate of t
of the co
's victory
fights a los
of his late
with Ph
n ruinous in
sm desp
ing a losing game against de
n of small f
li and Ar
cratic pat
ndid res
essentially t
ernal ca
e of Am
the real cause
es all in this
but which Demost
ows of his la
l character as
ir of Ha
against Demost
ground of a
icians expounded
least repudiates t
actice we hav
atriots of our
the case of D
stified th
Greek nationa
nes abov
his rhetorical
is art is to be app