img Randy of the River; Or, The Adventures of a Young Deckhand  /  Chapter 8 RANDY AND HIS UNCLE PETER | 25.00%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1839    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

, in fact, in Deep Haven. He found his uncle behind a desk in the rear, busy over some accounts. For several

Uncle Peter?"

ered Peter Thompson. "I don


ger brother Louis


held out a flabby and cold hand. "C

ir. Father is dow

proper care of h

n a cellar and th

n's face dropped quickly. "I am sorry, but my family expe

"I do not come for assistance. I am old enough to work, if I o

t Randy's visit meant no demand upon his purse, and h

gether. "I like your independence. Now, let me see." He

t perhaps I

r wants a boy, but he mu

would he p

ars at th

not be eno

in the city," continued Peter T


e first year. But you would

eter. I must earn something at

is shoulders. "There are very few things that boys of your age can do, and it

t feared that he might be compelled by the world's opinion to a

thing about farm

said Randy

l farm in Riverport. It is not very good and has been used mostly as a pasture. I have been so

om our house, and is called the twelve-acre

ld like, I will, if you wish it, give you the use of that lot, and the little cottage on it, rent-fre

ing. They could move out of the cottage in which they were now located, and thus save the monthly rent, which was eight dollars. Besides that, Randy fel

want to use the place,

can use it as lon

would like

ter you are on the place. I once offered it to a man

ell it for two h

rather your father, for a

we will like the place so much we shall

t at the rate of fifty dol

and I appreciate it," and

son looked

nner now. Will y

cepted the offer, but he remembered the rece

aid. "I will tell mother and father about the twel

y we

have a right to occupy the place?" pursued Randy. "Some folks may

so. Here, I will give y

his brother could occupy the little farm for five years, rent-free, and if he wished to do so could at any time in said five

nded the paper to Randy. "Some day, if I can get the tim

, and in a minute more was

, we will have a roof over our heads and that is something. To be sure, the

d another bad turn but was now resting easier. Witho

hat is why I and your Uncle Peter have drifted apart. I thought he had

t is, if we take possession," said Ran

e? I have not seen it

some. But I am sure I can do

ave the re

we can keep some chickens, and then, after everythi

's father. "Our month will be up here next wee

hich sloped down to the river. He had passed it a hundred times before,

there a new rail. The house, which faced a little side road, was a story and a half in height, with two rooms below and two chambers above. There

up, I am sure of it,"

e road and saw a farmer approaching, driving a dozen cows before him. It was J

ere?" asked Jerry Borden, look

ver here, Mr. Borden,"

re!" ejaculat


r tumble-do

g to fix i

It ain't fit


nd ain't wu

e good enough

Borden's face

in, I guess thet means I'm

Randy paused, stru

He wanted to use the lot very much, for

for milk and butter. Of course I can't let you

say you could

We are to use it for five years

unno. Maybe we could let ye have butter an' milk.

of the lot in some way


plowing done. I may have to hi

punk, Randy. I shan't cha

farmer told the youth what might be planted to advantage even so late in the se

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