of D
s feet, his gaze on us for an
k them? Well
es. Tarrano frowned slightly. He advanced to us as we three stood together. I had heard Elza give a low, surprised
ed to me: "Th
d us from the room through an arch, over a small trestle, into a tiny inner courtyard. A tropical garden, surrounded by blank circular walls of the building. A patch of blue sky showed above it. A
d to a white stone bench where we three sat in a r
ng Elza; and then Georg. "That is unfo
ore than thirty-five. Simply dressed; white trousers of the tropics, with a strip of narrow black down the leg-fronts; a girdle of gold; ruffled white shirt, with sleeves that flared
rows. His mouth was thin-lipped, though smiling now, disclosing even, white teeth. Yet a cruel mouth, with the firm jaw of d
wer code-beam. No one could be in his presence an instant without feeling it. A power that enwrapped you; made you feel like a child. Helpless. Anxious to
sullen, with childish resentment at my superior. And over it all, my man's mentality made me angry at myself for such emotions; angry
ur father. I would not have had it so. Yet
ain. Georg burst out: "What do
m gray-brown
" He seemed waiting with his
said. Her voice was the small, sc
t like what they called my ambitious ways-and so they sent me to the Cold Country. That was soon after I had met you a
. He broke off at the buzz of a disc that hung from his belt by a golden chain. He jerked it loose from its
to his ear. He said: "Connect him-
-a face known throughout our Earth-the face of the War-Director of Great London. Tarrano
inferior mentality could not mistake his words. And with a click, Tarrano broke connection. The mirror went dark; he hung his little disc and ear-piece ba
f feet tall; a trim, but powerfully made little figure, in the black and white linen uniform worn also by Tarrano. Yet more pretentiously dressed than his superior. A broad belt of dangling weapons; under it, a sash of red, encircling his waist and flowing down one side. Over his white ruffled shtake these two men to the four
re alone with this man? Georg bur
ical smile plucked at his lips. "You need have no fear.
she st
words could not hide my fear. Tarrano was still smiling;
s eyes transfixed me. It was as though with his paralyzing ray he had rooted me to the spot. And Georg beside me. Yet he had no
ac! You must do what he
rg. "You are her brother-your fear is very natural. So I give you m
hen as queer that Tarrano should waste these words with us; but I realized, as did Elza and Georg,
glance at Elza, standing there frightened, but for our sak
was Taro. She-herself no more than a slip of a girl at that time-remembered him as a queerly silent young man-insignificant in physique and manner. He had escorted her once to a Venus festival; in a strange, brooding, humble, yet dignified fashion, he had spoken of love. She had laughed, and soon f
e carpet of grass at his feet. She was frightened, but she would not show it. He made no move to tou
t admit, it comes not by chance, for I contrived it. My pr
to confess something to you, Lady Elza. You were so far above me then-daughter of the famous Dr. Brende. Y
She flushed; but for that mome
-I thank you for s
other and that Jac Hallen when they would have refused me obedience? That is not my way-to be lenient." H
she mu
ly touched a stray lock of her hair as she sat there at his feet, but w
m-he could feel it-here--" His gaze was far away; his fist struck his breast. "He could fee
dream arose-a dream of you ... I frighten you, child?" His tone was contrite. "I do not mean to do that. I am too hasty
snapped. Then his hand dropped, and again he relaxed. "But of what use?... Your respect? I have
pressionable. He knew he had nations and worlds to conquer-a destiny to fulfill. Not alone because of you, little Elza. I would not make you think that. But
r power of him. Impulsively she t
a frown. "I would not
id. "No, I d
of everything, so that you will look to me and say, 'He is the greatest of all men-I love him'.... Soo
at his belt. He answered t
disconnected. "...very ge
moment; then Argo appeared, driving a half-nude man before him. A native official of Venia, stripped of his uniform
? You tell me he was asle
made your move in Greater New York at Park S
leep without ask
d y
ot realize I
an was flung closer to Tarra
oating Argo turned the current into it-Tarrano took it, lashed it upon the poor wretch's naked back and legs. Welts a
ed there, hiding her face until the punishment was ov
e with you,
er; looked up and stared, and wondered wha