de our own brain; since nothing hurts us or gives us pleasure except within the brain, the supreme importance of being able to control what goes on in that mysteri
to concentrate, not witting that they
er to dictate to the brain its task and to ensure obedience - true lif
hole army of individuals, from the milkman to the pig-killer, to enable you to bribe your stomach into decent behaviour. Why not devote a little attention to the far more delicate machinery of the mind, espe
train, and in the crowded street again?" Precisely. Nothing simpler! N
to begin with). You will not have gone ten yards before your mind has skipped
of concentration. Do you not remember that morning when you received a disquieting letter which demanded a very carefully-worded answer? How you kept your mind steadily on the subject of the answer, without a second's intermission, until you reached your office; whereupon you
at place. The exercise is a very convenient one. If you got into your morning train with a pair of dumb-bells for your muscles or an encyclopaedia in ten volumes for your learning, you would probably excite remark. But as
inking machine that counts. But still, you may as well kill two birds with one stone, and concentrate on
le to the daily life of plain persons like you and me (who hate airs, pose, and nonsense) than Marcus Aurelius or Epictetus.
to yourself: "This fellow was doing pretty well up to his seventh chapter. He had begun to interest me faintly. But what he says a
peat; it is for you. Indeed, you
suggestion of the most sensible, practical, hard-headed men who have walked the earth. I only give it you at second-hand. Try it. Get your