llion and a half allotment gardens are now being worked on. That is, no doubt, a papery figure; nor is it so much the number,
open air, and revive in them that "earth instinct" which was in danger of being utterly lost. The spade is a grand corrective of ne
uch devotion will betray her if, when DORA is in her grave-consummation devoutly to be wished-her work on allotment gardens is not continued. There is always a ring of land round a town, like a halo round the moon. As the town's girth increases,
ciple more adaptable or more useful than
ntry. One at Winchester has over 1,000 tenant members. And ro
n found among novices that ordinary ground takes a long time to get into decent order; and is an expensive business. But enlightened and energetic men working together can do wonderful things. They did them at Urmston. The ground was only broken up in March, 1916, but in the same season splendid crops of peas, potatoes and other vegetables were raised by the holders, the majo
ncouraged flower-growing. Finally, a neighbourly feeling of friendly emulation has grown up among its members. And this is their conclusion: "The advantages of co-operation are not confined to economy in time and mon
k, and every word is true-whic
d the more there are of them the greater will be the output of food, the strength and knowledg
the result of combining husbandry with the habits and qualities of the salesman. If a man's business is to
long become dejected, suspicious and wasteful; and it will help to remove jealousy and distrust between townsmen and countrymen. The allotment holder, if encouraged and given fixity of tenure, or at all events the power of getting fresh ground if he must give up what he has-a vital matter-will become the necessary link between town and country, with mind open to the influence of bo
ur great trading organisation with its central wholesale society! You will have your organisation side with the Agricultural Organisation Society at the centre.... You will be able to use that side for all the ancillary purposes connected with farming; and do a great deal in the way of expert assistance. And through your electing the Board of Governors of the Agricultural Organisation Soc
same meeting, the present Minister of Agri
like small farmers, must" (in their turn) "co-operate.... The word 'farmers' is intended to include all those who cultivate the land. In this sense allo
l their interests to be at bottom the s