of his. It was a crisp clear evening, and I decided to walk. There were two problems on my mind. One was the outlook of Sar
n frock-coat I paced sl
ed very deeply into my life, I had never denied the fact that it was the only motive of the majority of my patients. For what was all our research for? Simply to mitigate suffering; and that is another way of saying that it was to increase phys
with men and women returning late from business, or on the way to seek relaxation in the city's amusements. I passed through the throng as through a coloured mist of phantoms. My eyes fastened on the faces
orrying over questions which could not be examined scientificall
t was before me, and within, standing on the ma
evening-dress with a white waistcoat, and the fact p
ing?" I ask
London this afternoon. I met her when I was strollin
I asked. "And can I me
r and she will understand. Leonora is the most marvell
glish?" I
ttle more-and it would be good for you-you would know that she has the most exquisite voice in the history of civilization. She transcends the nightingale because her body is beaut
watch and glan
I observed, after watching him a moment. "W
hen you say you intend to mak
So far I have been unsuccessful, becaus
intend to
at me in
have ever been so famous as yo
ied the bright throng
c? Don't you think that it will take months before the po
You are impossible, Harden. You are a mass of doubts and appr
r. From a shoulder hung a red satin cloak. Round her neck was a string of large pearls, and in her hair was a jewelled osprey. She presen
at him with a smile so slight that it seemed scarcely to disturb the perfect symmetry of her face. He began to talk, moving his whole body constantly and making gestures with hi
what awkwardly an
ain. He was closely connected with the great discovery of which I am going to tell
" said Leonora, in
oft. The luxury of these establishments was always sounding a curious warning deep down in my mind. But then, as Sarakoff had said, I am a pessimist, and if I were to say that I have noticed
ried to serve us; and the eyes of everyone in our immediate neighbourhood were turned in our direction. Leonora did not appear to be affecte
your discove
ed, enc
r discovery means if I begin by telling you that I am
turned to me and st
Richard read my
ed succ
h?" she asked wi
ardonable familiarity in callin
ng an immense effort, and longing for the waiter to
ou mus
akoff's eyes were twinkling roguishly, s
power of knowing exactly what you want to do with your li
I sleep badly?"
are of rather slight build. I am merely sp
y gracious or well-spoken. Leonora simp
ell me about my
I decided to allow that wizard to t
sons best known to themselves. I think you must come from Venus, or one of the asteroids;
drawled, "you
ed woman in Europe, Leonora. You value yourself before everything. You think your voice and your beauty cannot be beaten, and you are righ
e vitality spra
ed quietly. "Have you disco
e laid her ha
does its e
a consider
re cer
ned tow
e have it, Alexis," she
f glanc
you are ve
who is going to have the elixir. Th
y in the fact of its discovery. In that respect, I fancied, she was typical of a large class of women-that class that thinks a doctor is a magician, or sh
u and I have the elixir?" She raised her eyes and turn
an flushe
orld must have it. It can't be confined. It must spr
oes he mean?" S
do away with all dise
make me
n. It will more probab
dered for a while. I could see nothing in her appearance tha
ous. That will be nice, but I am sorry you should have given the elixir to Birmingham first. Birmingham is in no need of an elixir, my friend. You should have put something else in their water-supply." She turned to me and examined me with calm criticism. "What a pity you didn't discover the elixir when you were younger, Richard
atching her through half-closed lids
my vo
e that ... indef
She looked into the distance and
friend, you have done me a service. I will not forget it." She looked at him and laughed slightly. "But I do not think you
a little. I
mistaken," said
ook he
kly and I will take you both to
n a deep couch of green satin and gazed at a Chinese idol cut in green jade, that stood on a neighbouring table, with all my senses lulled by the charm of her singing. The sense of responsibility fell away from me like severed cords
removed my gaze from the Chinese figure, which
prised to find that Leonora had visitors. I could not h
smoothly. He crossed to the piano and l
id not even know you ha
to go down to Maltby Towers. I came up t
rned towards us. Leonora rose
friends of mine. They will soon be very famous-more famous than you are
tly passing surprise shewed that he recognized Sarakoff. Leonora menti
m." She struck a match and lit the cigarette. I noticed she actually smoked very little, but se
axed. He had evidently deci
en Sarakoff before. "A germ that is going to keep us all young
eady," replied Sara
looked steadily before
ng Cross Station the
ng Cross
e Russian, but he seeme
tents of my bag. Six tubes containing a blue-coloure
d, smiling slightly. "Yes, I regret
anarchist?" cried Leonora. "You
e this. He glanced at a thin gold watch
remarked gravely. "You are quite occupied,
said lazily. "Sit down. Tell me ho
and then looked firmly at Sarakoff. "Do I understand, sir, that
it in a day or tw
ad no pe
are making a very extrao
he lower part of his face seeme
bble," sa
an, turning upon her. "Ho
u are g
compelled to go abroad again, but when I return I shall institute a vigorous and detailed enquiry into your movements, which are highly sus
for good," murmured Leonora. "He
you say?" as
"That is, if you have told me the truth, Alexis. Oh, isn't it wonderful!" She jumped up and threw o
come true
arms slowly an
ow long lov