bright light shone forth upon the grey waste without, whitening alike the dark green creepers of the jun
ave you forgotten Etienne de Saint Pierre, and how we are to fight
ed Rollo, yet with some glow of pleasure in h
n Mortimer, quietly, like a man dropping
iverted from further inquiry by the sight of a figur
lesiastical robe that surmounted and as it were extinguished its silken gorgeousness. A great cross of gold set with jewe
siastically, "as you will also. I am no longer Etienne de Saint Pierre, but Br
with the smallsword at the Buttes of Montmartre-you to fight for the honour of Se?orita Concha of Sarria and I to make a hole in your sk
ome first, and I have been wicked-wicked-so very wicked-or at least as wicked as my health (which is
directly round till
ter all there is a pair of them
he place where his sword-hilt should have been, crying, "I would have you know, Monsie
ers encountering only the great jewelled cross of gold filigree w
iquitatis con
erni circum
solemnly, shaking h
cried Blair; "I thought little Concha w
lamps and he looked up at the long le
you will learn. My uncle, the Prior, will teach you
a chance at him. I think I could prove him all in the wrong about tra
man, how about the divine right of kings that you talked so much of only
is as dear and sacred to this heart as ever. But now I will use in his behalf the sword of the Spirit instead of the carnal
at stout man, also in the garb of a novice, a long friar's robe being g
such a shake-stick name to my master-the Holy Prior wishes to speak with you, and desires to k
you and your uncle, and give him all the chance he wants to convert me to the religious life. We acce
ario. "Did I invite you? If so, I fear I took
gy Ramsay, if you do not get us a couple of covers at your uncle's table to-night, I will go straight to the Holy Prior and tell him all that I know
ion of the flesh," cried Sain
elt his el
vice in the cord-begirt robe; "blessed angels help me to get this nonsense out of his head,
. "What if I were to put it into the hands of your good uncle the Prior? If that were to happen, I wa
s back, and grinned from ear to ear. But the effect
s acuteness, the young Frenchman suddenly fire
cha yourself, you dirty Scots rogue! I will
hands with the possessive adjective before them? Is that permit included in your monkish articles of associa
n the latter capacity I am not full-fledged yet. And I hold you answerable if in anything
ver set eyes on the wenc
that question later. For me, I must go back promptly with the a
Frenchman. The French
e Se?orita Concha, say to my uncle t
dear Brother Hilario, say to his lo
latest addition to the brotherhood of