img Boy Scouts in a Submarine; Or, Searching an Ocean Floor  /  Chapter 1 LOST ON AN OCEAN FLOOR | 5.00%
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Boy Scouts in a Submarine; Or, Searching an Ocean Floor

Boy Scouts in a Submarine; Or, Searching an Ocean Floor

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Word Count: 2078    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

of America, in the City of New York, was ablaze with ligh

which stood by an open window overlooking the brilliantly il

tub!" Jack Bo

tting down on the edge of the table and r

ootball off his tormentor's back, perched

clothes in the Gulf of Tong King and hang them out to dry on the mountains of Kwang Tung! Are we going there, Ned?" he add

y the window and wal

s from his breast pocket and spreading them out on the tabl


ng on the back of the chair,

g to be the

g out with his foot in a vain effort to

Moore goin

anxiety. When out on their trips the Boy Scouts did

r who is to post us with regard to our mission to Chinese waters. Second he will, to use the slang adopted by Jack,

ur takin' moonlight walks on the bottom of the sea! Is he cove

down the room with a mock military stride wh

is coming here tonight, and you must jud

is club-room? The boys won't do

arine expert?

ouldn't be sent here to pos

t now, than Ned does," Jimmie exclaimed. "Ned's been takin

to Ned with amazement

d?" they aske

raining without lett

time too. This Captain Moore, whoever he is, hain't got nothin' on

a finger at Jimmie. "You can't r

u wait until we get into the Chinese sea, then you'll

submarine, Ned

trip. If some one hadn't interfered with his steering I reckon

rs roared at him and then l

o tell about that!"

later a tall, military-looking man with a white, stern face, thin straight lips and cold blue eyes was shown in. He paused just outside the door

o like the looks of u

stepped forward to

replied, in an aside. "I hope we d

n the submarine if he does go!" Jimmie went o

door until Ned reached his side. Then he lifted a single glass, inserted it

udged Jack delightedly when he saw the

itor, "I'm looking

or," said the


le where the other boys we

repeated t

to the table, drew a chair forward, a

d around the apartment with the supercilious sneer he had shown o

Jimmie whispered to Jack, "I hope the boat will dr

red the other.

l understand without being told here that it was a very fine clubro

lia, together with many trophies of the chase. Foils, gloves, ball bats,

ery wealthy men. The father of Frank Shaw was editor and owner of one of the important daily newspapers of the metropolis. Jack Bosworth'

Moore, was a member of the Wolf Patrol, also of New York, as was also Jim

ited States Government. Accompanied by Frank, Jack, Jimmie, Harry, and other members of the Boy Scout Patrols of the United States, he had visited Mexico, the Ca

vice department. The story of the quest upon which he was about to enter will best be told in the conversa

se all conversation in the room had ceased on the arrival of the Captain. While the boys who were not fortunate enough to be planning on the trip in

shrugged his shoulders, which were heavily padded, and gave utterance to


ead out in the talk. Captain Moore was in no haste t

e Ned N

man he was supposed to do business wi

dertook the Secret Ser

South A



was fuming under the idea that the Captain wa

ould have inspected a curio in a museum. Jimmie glared back, and the eyes of the t

e, eh?" the la

ous reply only for the tug Ned gave a

Captain said, then. "Quite re

rding the submarine trip?" Ned asked,

er of the Captain, would be beyond control, and then the Se

prepared for, for the chief of the department might see fit to

ocket a sheaf of papers and place them on the table. The next moment the boys

changed. He was no longer the drawling, supercilious naval officer in resplendent uniform. H

aid, going back to his old drawl, in a few moments. "

aptain was indeed going with them! He would be the commander, and

while practically responsible for the results of the trip? Fr

ns concerning the Diver as the submarine the Captain had in

ing with her many passengers, the United States mails, and $10,000,000 in gold consigned to the Chinese Governm

dropped $10,000,000 on


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