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Reading History

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1611    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

shed into me. I wonder who he was? I wish I had a machine like that. I could make better ti

words, he looked about to see if there were any suspicious characters, but the only person he noticed was a well-dresse

ome to think of it, though, it will have to come here, and you can call for it. I'll have it returned to Mr. B

as regarding him curiously. Tom thought nothing of it at the time, but there came an occasion when he wished that he had taken more c

ht Tom, and then the matter passed from his mind as

uite done. They need polishing. I know I promised them to your father to-day, and he can have them, but he

t take to polish

orking on them now. If you could call t

dly. "Guess I'll have to stay in Mansburg for d

w, there's a matter I want to speak to you about, Tom. Has your father any

. Why?" and the lad

machine shop, and he wanted to find out whether they would be likely to get any jobs from your father. I told the man I knew nothing about Mr. Swift's business, and he went away. I didn't hear any more of it, th

xclaimed To

re located, how they were laid out, a

d you te

said the best way for him to find out would be

ss known any more than he can help

h he and his partners would li

nged just for his own use in making patents,

n't tell the man so. I judged it would

s the ma

l me, and I di

id he

e kid gloves and all that, and

and Mr. Merto

now him?"

called the man he had seen in the post-office. He answe

him?" asked Mr. Merton,

cluded that it would be best to say nothing of his suspicions. "I'll be back r

her going to use the

polite way of not giving the proprietor of the shop any information. "I'll

the man in the post-office and the one wh

over to Merton. We must do it in the shops at home, and dad and I will have to keep our eyes open. There may be spies about seeking to discover something about

t his wheel outside the restaurant, first taking the precaution to chain the wheels, and then went insid

g up to see a youth about his own

o lads were chums, and in their younger days had often gone fishing, swimming and hunting together. Now Ned

" asked Tom, putting some

rs over from our bank to the First

e on dad's

asked Ned as he gave hi

ter I was telling you about. B

vent an automobil

speaking of autos, did you

beaut! Have

rly ran over me this morning," and the

ed; "and since his father let him get the to

n he'll get into trouble," declared To

Ned was telling of a new camera he had, when, from a table di

ton, all right, and the build

and listened

t," one man answered. "But if th

blic a place to discuss the matter. Wait until we get out. One of

," retorted the man who had first s

m vaguely afraid. He started so at the sound of his

getting nervous?" as

e stole a look at the strangers who had just entered. He was startled to note that one of the men was the same he had seen i

open," thought Tom as he

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