img The Radio Boys on the Mexican Border  /  Chapter 8 HELD FOR RANSOM | 25.00%
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Word Count: 1428    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

different you look. Wh

ich had dropped them, was dwindling in the distance. Jack Hampton, whom the chums and Mr. Temple had crossed the country from New York to join, was in the center of the group.

Some get-up

e handsome Jack admiringly. "Where do you

, long legs, flat hips, trim waist, deep chest and broad shoulders and a flat back. Both at dashes and distance running Jack easily was supreme at Harrington Hall Military Academy,

wed in front, was a wide-brimmed sombrero. By his side, suspended from a cartridge belt, swung an automatic revolver in its holster. This was the outfit so admired by his chums fro

ple, "for fear something dire might happen to you these last two or thr

said he, "since those two rascals picked him

aid Mr. Temple. "I don't bel

ellows are here, we shall have to get busy at once. It has been pretty

guished by his swarthy coloring and his ragged mustaches, as well as by his peculiar dress-a steep crowned hat like a sugar loaf, with a very wide brim,

odd jobs all through this region. I hired him to take us out

the false fronts of the frontier country pretending to second stories-a front wall sticking above the roof and with the semblance of windows painted on it. A dry goods store, a Chinese laundry, an alleged hotel, several restaurants, several ex-saloons still ca

tretch of this country around here. But look at the setting, will

own. North, east, south and west lofty mountains gleamed on the far horizon, while closer at hand rose the foothills. These latter were of fantastic shapes, like castles, tables or crouching animals, and of the most vivid colori

y," said Bob

day out for months," said Jack. "You wi

ou feel about it,

"But just the same, I'm in love with this country. As for the

d gazing at the surrounding scene, "I thought we'd see som

of Texas and in Oklahoma. That is east from here. But Mr. Hampton had his geologists in through this region, and they reported the prospects for

the way of it

er. If we are going to get dinner at your camp

way toward the automobile with its d

when the rapid hoofbeats of a galloping horse ringing on the sun

is horse so sharply that it reared and slid on braced hind legs. The animal came to rest so c

s size, grinned down at Jack. He was white-haired and under the brim of hi

amp, getting dinner for my guests." He indicated the boys and Mr. Temple, w

', anyhow, Mr. Jack, a feller came to camp a while ago in one o' them there aeryoplanes. Jest flew up almost to the door an' steps out an' gin me this yere letter." Here Gabby Pete produced a missive fro

. An airplane? He opened the letter, took in its con

ransom," he cried

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