Abby Morton Diaz's Books
A Domestic Problem : Work and Culture in the Household
A Domestic Problem : Work and Culture in the Household by Abby Morton Diaz
Domestic Problems: Work and Culture in the Household
Excerpt from Domestic Problems: Work and Culture in the Household, and the Schoolmaster's Trunk Containing Papers on Home Life in Tweenit A few, a very few, of our women are able to live and move and have their being literally regardless of expense. These can buy of skilled assistants and competent supervisors, whole lifetimes Of lei sure; with these, therefore, Our problem has no concern. The larger class, the immense majority, either do their work themselves, or attend person ally to its being done by others others Signify ing that inefficient, untrustworthy, unstable horde who come fresh from their training in peat-bog and meadow, to cook our dinners, take care Of our china dishes, and adjust the nice little internal arrangements Of our dwellings.