Roy J. Snell's Books
Witches Cove
In this beguiling mystery story geared for younger readers, a group of fearless young girls staying on an island off the coast of Maine happen to stumble across some strange activity.
Whispers at Dawn; Or, The Eye
Amateur detective and all-around good guy Johnny Thompson has always relied on his athletic prowess and quick wits to help him crack the cases he stumbles across. But in this volume of the series, our hero gets a little help from some cool technological gadgets and gizmos. Whispers at Dawn will give younger readers a glimpse into the past with its descriptions of the cutting-edge electronics of the early twentieth century.
The Secret Mark / An Adventure Story for Girls
Late one night, Lucile Tucker comes face to face with a mysterious apparition. Just as she's convinced herself that it was nothing more than a figment of her imagination, she finds incontrovertible proof that the strange specter was real—and may be trying to send her a message.
The Phantom Violin / A Mystery Story for Girls
Younger readers won't be able to put down this exciting mystery from author Roy Snell. Florence Huyler, her best friend Jeanne, and a new companion, Greta Clara Bronson, have taken up residence in an abandoned ship. But before long, their peaceful existence is threatened by the presence of newcomers seeking a mysterious treasure.
The Crimson Thread: An Adventure Story for Girls
Late one night, Lucile Tucker comes face to face with a mysterious apparition. Just as she's convinced herself that it was nothing more than a figment of her imagination, she finds incontrovertible proof that the strange specter was real—and may be trying to send her a message.
The Blue Envelope
Younger readers with a love for the great outdoors will adore Roy Snell's The Blue Envelope, which is set in the wilds of Alaska. Plucky heroines Marion and Lucile are faced with danger and deprivation, but they still manage to come out on top, even when up against the most formidable adversity.
Riddle of the Storm / A Mystery Story for Boys
Roy J. Snell was a prolific author who penned dozens of mystery stories geared for younger audiences. In Riddle of the Storm, a handkerchief emblazoned with a name blows in in the aftermath of a massive storm—sending some enterprising young sleuths on a mission.
On the Yukon Trail / Radio-Phone Boys Series, #2
On the Yukon Trail / Radio-Phone Boys Series, #2 by Roy J. Snell
Hour of Enchantment / A Mystery Story for Girls
This globetrotting mystery story geared to younger audiences begins when fearless heroine Florence Huyler happens to witness a nefarious deed. Her tireless search to bring the perpetrator to justice unfurls against the backdrop of the 1933 World's Fair in Chicago and then extends into an adventure that takes Florence and her sidekick Jeanne around the world.
Forbidden Cargoes
In this adventure-mystery story geared for younger audiences, intrepid hero Johnny Thompson stumbles on some unusual goings-on in the foreboding jungles of Central America. Will he get to the bottom of the mystery and crack the case before it's too late?
A Ticket to Adventure / A Mystery Story for Girls
In another of Roy Snell's beloved mysteries for younger readers, Mary Hughes and her cousin Florence Huyler—along with several other family members—are preparing to start a new life as pioneers in the wilds of Alaska. But hours before they're set to leave, they receive some unexpected news from an unusual source. Will they ditch their plans to pursue this puzzling clue?
The Golden Circle
You'll be entirely out of luck if you don’t lie right down and go to sleep!” Florence Huyler, her pal, exclaimed, making a significant gesture toward a sofa pillow which, as the little French girl had reason to know, was both heavy and hard. And Florence had muscle. Of late she had been developing herself. She had gone back to her old work as physical director in one of the many gymnasiums of this great city.