Bjornstjerne Bjornson's Books
Auf Gottes Wegen
Bjørnstjerne Martinius Bjørnson (* 8. Dezember 1832 in Kvikne (Tynset), Hedmark; † 26. April 1910 in Paris) war ein norwegischer Dichter, Literaturnobelpreisträger und Politiker. Bjørnson verfasste unter anderem die norwegische Nationalhymne Ja, vi elsker dette landet und war der Begründer des Riksmålsforbundet. (Auszug aus Wikipedia)
A Happy Boy
An early recipient of the Nobel Prize in literature, Bjornstjerne Bjornson is considered one of the masters of Norwegian fiction. The short novel A Happy Boy recounts the life of Oyvind, a perpetually jolly child who is able to rise above his family's lack of material wealth and bring true contentment and joy into the lives of many.
Absalom's Hair
He had given up his free, uncriticised bachelor life; his yacht was no longer seen off the coast in summer; his tours to England and the south had ceased; nay, he was rarely to be found even at his club in Christiania. His gigantic figure was never seen in the doorways; he was failing.