DreamScribbler 's Book
Cycle of Evolution: Divergent
In a universe shaped by an enigmatic entity known as the Oracle, a singular species emerges: the Dyyx. Born to fulfill the grand cosmic process called 'The Cycle Of Evolution', the Dyyxs wield the destiny of planets. The Cycle Of Evolution, a universal phenomenon, marks a planet's ascent to a new era through evolution. Orchestrated by the Oracle, the process mandates the arrival of two Dyyxs, reincarnated without memory, on the chosen planet. Guided by an unknown force, they tread distinct paths: one as the protagonist, the other as the antagonist. Their clash is destined, with good triumphing over evil, and the protagonist steering the world towards its destined future. But for X-204, a Dyyx awakening with fragmented memories, fate takes an unexpected twist. He, alongside counterpart Y-204, is thrust into pods of uncertainty, bound for Earth. Amidst the journey, a glitch resurrects X-204's memories, unshackling the truth of his creation, the relentless cycle, and the Oracle's manipulation. As revelations flood his consciousness, X-204 confronts a pivotal decision—to break free from the Oracle's puppet strings and carve a destiny uniquely his own.