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Harold Bell Wright

8 Published Stories

Harold Bell Wright's Books

The Winning of Barbara Worth

The Winning of Barbara Worth


The Winning of Barbara Worth by Harold Bell Wright

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The Re-Creation of Brian Kent

The Re-Creation of Brian Kent


The Re-Creation of Brian Kent by Harold Bell Wright

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The Winning of Barbara Worth

The Winning of Barbara Worth


While this story is not in any way a history of this part of the Colorado Desert now known as the Imperial Valley, nor a biography of anyone connected with this splendid achievement, I must in honesty admit that this work which in the past ten years has transformed a vast, desolate waste into a beautiful land of homes, cities, and farms, has been my inspiration. With much gratitude for their many helpful kindnesses, I acknowledge my indebtedness to H. T. Cory, F. C. Hermann, C. R. Rockwood, C. N. Perry, E. H. Gaines, Roy Kinkaid and the late George Sexsmith, engineers and surveyors identified with this reclamation work; to W. K. Bowker, Sidney McHarg, C. E. Paris, and many other business friends and neighboring ranchers among our pioneers; and to William Mulholland, Chief Engineer of the Los Angeles Aqueduct. I am particularly indebted to C. K. Clarke, Assistant Manager and Chief Engineer of the California Development Company, and to Allen Kelly, whose knowledge, insight and observations as a journalist and as a student of Reclamation in the Far West have been invaluable to me. To my friend, Mr. W. F. Holt, in appreciation of his life and of his work in the Imperial Valley, this story is inscribed. H. B. W. Tecolote Rancho, April 25, 1911. "Give fools their gold, and knaves their power; Let fortune's bubbles rise and fall, Who sows a field, or trains a flower, Or plants a tree, is more than all."

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The Re-Creation of Brian Kent

The Re-Creation of Brian Kent


I have wondered many times, while writing this simple story of life and love, if you would ever forgive me for putting you in a book. I hope you will, because if you do not, I shall be heartbroken, and you wouldn't want me that way, would you, Auntie Sue?

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The Calling Of Dan Matthews

The Calling Of Dan Matthews


"And because the town of this story is what it is, there came to dwell in it a Spirit--a strange, mysterious power--playful, vicious, deadly; a Something to be at once feared and courted; to be denied--yet confessed in the denial; a deadly enemy, a welcome friend, an all-powerful Ally."

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The Shepherd of the Hills

The Shepherd of the Hills


It was corn-planting time, when the stranger followed the Old Trail into the Mutton Hollow neighborhood.

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Helen of the Old House

Helen of the Old House


Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields_.

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The Eyes of the World

The Eyes of the World


To Benjamin H. Pearson`` Student, Artist, Gentleman in appreciation of the friendship that began on the "Pipe-Line Trail," at the camp in the sycamores back of the old orchard, and among the higher peaks of the San Bernardinos; and because this story will always mean more to him than to any one else,--this book, with all good wishes, is Dedicated. H. B. W. "Tecolote Rancho," April 13, 1914.

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