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Thomas de Quincey

6 Published Stories

Thomas de Quincey's Books

Memorials and Other Papers V1

Memorials and Other Papers V1


Memorials and Other Papers V1 by Thomas de Quincey

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Memorials and Other Papers V2

Memorials and Other Papers V2


Memorials and Other Papers V2 by Thomas de Quincey

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Autobiographic Sketches

Autobiographic Sketches


An engrossing collection of autobiographical vignettes by Thomas De Quincey, whose 1821 account of his opium addiction garnered him enormous fame. His sickly childhood, education, wanderings around Britain, lifelong struggle with debt, and subsequent writing career are all recollected in De Quincey's elegant prose.

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The Caesars

The Caesars


From the book:The condition of the Roman Emperors has never yet been fully appreciated; nor has it been sufficiently perceived in what respects it was absolutely unique. There was but one Rome: no other city, as we are satisfied by the collation of many facts, either of ancient or modern times, has ever rivalled this astonishing metropolis in the grandeur of magnitude; and not many - if we except the cities of Greece, none at all - in the grandeur of architectural display. Speaking even of London, we ought in all reason to say - the Nation of London, and not the City of London; but of Rome in her palmy days, nothing less could be said in the naked severity of logic. A million and a half of souls - that population, apart from any other distinctions, is per se for London a justifying ground for such a classification; à fortiori, then, will it belong to a city which counted from one horn to the other of its mighty suburbs not less than four millions of inhabitants [Footnote: Concerning this question - once so fervidly debated, yet so unprofitably for the final adjudication, and in some respects, we may add, so erroneously - on a future occasion.] at the very least, as we resolutely maintain after reviewing all that has been written on that much vexed theme, and very probably half as many more. Republican Rome had her prerogative tribe; the earth has its prerogative city; and that city was Rome.

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Memorials and Other Papers -- C

Memorials and Other Papers -- C


Memorials and Other Papers -- C by Thomas De Quincey

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The Uncollected Writings

The Uncollected Writings


It was my privilege to be associated intimately with the Author some thirty to forty years ago—from the beginning of 1850 until his death in 1859.1 Throughout the whole period during which he was engaged in preparing for the Press his Selections Grave and Gay, I assisted in the task.

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