Le Mariage de Loti by Pierre Loti
Loti fut baptisé le 25 janvier 1872, à l'age de vingt-deux ans et onze jours.
Lorsque la chose eut lieu, il était environ une heure de l'après-midi, à Londres et à Paris.
Il était à peu près minuit, en dessous, sur l'autre face de la boule terrestre, dans les jardins de la feue reine Pomaré, où la scène se passait.
En Europe, c'était une froide et triste journée d'hiver. En dessous dans les jardins de la reine, c'était le calme, l'énervante langueur d'une nuit d'été.
Cinq personnes assistaient à ce baptême de Loti, au milieu des mimosas et des orangers, dans une atmosphère chaude et parfumée, sous un ciel tout constellé d'étoiles australes.
C'étaient: Ariitéa, princesse du sang, Fa?mana et Téria, suivantes de la reine, Plumket et Loti, midshipmen de la marine de S.M. Britannique.
Loti, qui, jusqu'à ce jour, s'était appelé Harry Grant, conserva ce nom, tant sur les registres de l'état civil que sur les r?les de la marine royale, mais l'appellation de Loti fut généralement adoptée par ses amis.
La cérémonie fut simple; elle s'acheva sans longs discours, ni grand appareil.
Les trois Tahitiennes étaient couronnées de fleurs naturelles, et vêtues de tuniques de mousseline rose, à tra?nes. Après avoir inutilement essayé de prononcer les noms barbares d'Harry Grant et de Plumket, dont les sons durs révoltaient leurs gosiers maoris, elles décidèrent de les désigner par les mots Rémuna et Loti, qui sont deux noms de fleurs.
Toute la cour eut le lendemain communication de cette décision, et Harry Grant n'exista plus en Océanie, non plus que Plumket son ami.
Il fut convenu en outre que les premières notes de la chanson indigène: "Loti ta?mané, etc..." chantées discrètement la nuit aux abords du palais, signifieraient: "Rémuna est là, ou Loti, ou tous deux ensemble; ils prient leurs amies de se rendre à leur appel, ou tout au moins de venir sans bruit leur ouvrir la porte des jardins..."
Au Maroc est un reportage fort intéressant que Pierre Loti a écrit pendant sa mission dans ce pays, à la suite d'une délégation guidée par le ministre plénipotentiaire Patenôtre, invité par le Sultan de Fès. Nous sommes en pleine époque coloniale, mais l'écrivain, de par sa nature cosmopolite, était déjà arabophile, et de plus marocophile, et n'avait aucun préjugé à l'égard de l'Islam. Il produit ainsi un essai passionnant qui décrit les paysages, les villes, les villages, les gens, avec amour et passion, sans toutefois jamais céder à la banalité de la « carte postale », et, d'ailleurs, il décrit les inévitables misères avec un réalisme sans pitié. Un livre précieux à la fois pour ceux qui veulent revivre les atmosphères romantiques de l'exotisme de l'époque et ceux qui veulent comprendre une importante partie du monde arabe dans ses transformations complexes.
There is to-day a widely spread new interest in child life, a desire to get nearer to children and understand them. To be sure child study is not new; every wise parent and every sympathetic teacher has ever been a student of children; but there is now an effort to do more consciously and systematically what has always been done in some way.
Extrait : "En mer, aux environs de deux heures du matin, par une nuit calme, sous un ciel plein d'étoiles. Yves se tenait sur la passerelle auprès de moi, et nous causions du pays, absolument nouveau pour nous deux, où nous conduisaient cette fois les hasards de notre destinée. C'était le lendemain que nous devions atterrir ; cette attente nous amusait et nous formions mille projets."
The first appearance of Pierre Loti's works, twenty years ago, causeda sensation throughout those circles wherein the creations ofintellect and imagination are felt, studied, and discussed. The authorwas one who, with a power which no one had wielded before him, carriedoff his readers into exotic lands, and whose art, in appearance mostsimple, proved a genuine enchantment for the imagination. It was thetime when M. Zola and his school stood at the head of the literarymovement. There breathed forth from Loti's writings an all-penetratingfragrance of poesy, which liberated French literary ideals from theheavy and oppressive yoke of the Naturalistic school. Truth now soaredon unhampered pinions, and the reading world was completely won by theunsurpassed intensity and faithful accuracy with which he depicted thealluring charms of far-off scenes, and painted the naive soul of theraces that seem to endure in the isles of the Pacific as survivingrepresentatives of the world's infancy.
Corinne devoted three years of her life to her boyfriend, only for it to all go to waste. He saw her as nothing more than a country bumpkin and left her at the altar to be with his true love. After getting jilted, Corinne reclaimed her identity as the granddaughter of the town’s richest man, inherited a billion-dollar fortune, and ultimately rose to the top. But her success attracted the envy of others, and people constantly tried to bring her down. As she dealt with these troublemakers one by one, Mr. Hopkins, notorious for his ruthlessness, stood by and cheered her on. “Way to go, honey!”
In her previous life, Kimberly endured the betrayal of her husband, the cruel machinations of an evil woman, and the endless tyranny of her in-laws. It culminated in the bankruptcy of her family, and ultimately, her death. After being reborn, she resolved to seek retribution against those who had wronged her, and ensure her family's prosperity. To her shock, the most unattainable man from her past suddenly set his sights on her. "You may have overlooked me before, but I shall capture your heart this time around."
Two years ago, Ricky found himself coerced into marrying Emma to protect the woman he cherished. From Ricky's perspective, Emma was despicable, resorting to underhanded schemes to ensure their marriage. He maintained a distant and cold attitude toward her, reserving his warmth for another. Yet, Emma remained wholeheartedly dedicated to Ricky for more than ten years. As she grew weary and considered relinquishing her efforts, Ricky was seized by a sudden fear. Only when Emma's life teetered on the edge, pregnant with Ricky's child, did he recognize-the love of his life had always been Emma.
“Drive this woman out!” "Throw this woman into the sea!” When he doesn’t know Debbie Nelson’s true identity, Carlos Hilton cold-shoulders her. “Mr. Hilton, she is your wife,” Carlos’ secretary reminded him. Hearing that, Carlos gives him a cold stare and complained, “why didn’t you tell me earlier?” From then on, Carlos spoils her rotten. Little did everyone expect that they would get a divorce.
For two years, Ashton had poured his heart into his marriage, yet Emalee's heart remained cold. Despite his dedication, Emalee presented him with divorce papers. She bluntly stated she could not remain married to a man whose net worth was less than a million dollars. Ashton signed the papers, closing one chapter of his life and stepping into a new beginning. Then, Ashton revealed his secret identities: a music mogul, a medical expert, and a martial arts master—each persona impressive enough to stun the world. As Ashton’s true capabilities came to light, Emalee was overwhelmed with deep regret.
Madison had always believed that she would marry Colten. She spent her youth admiring him from afar, dreaming of their future life together. But Colten was always indifferent to her, and when he abandoned her at a time when she needed him most, she finally realized that he never loved her. With renewed resolve and a thirst for revenge, Madison left. Endless possibilities lay ahead, but Colten was no longer part of her plans. Colten rushed to her place in a panic. "Madison, please come back to me. I’ll give you everything!" It was his powerful uncle who answered the door. "She's my woman now."