Arrowpaw (Alec) has just become an apprentice of HunterClan. Along with his siblings Goldenpaw(Jace) and Nightpaw(Izzy) they must uncover secrets of the past that have been hidden by the Clans. Darkness is headed to the Clans in the form of someone the Clans thought to be long gone. Some new friends will be made and Arrowpaw will learn what it truly means to be a warrior. Meanwhile Clary has been having dreams. She yearns for something more and she thinks she might find it in the forest. Her mother would never agree and neither would her friend Simon, but together Clary and Simon will go into the forest and learn secrets Clary never knew existed, all the while finding her own place in the world. The first installment of Shadowhunters as Warrior Cats. This book will follow somewhat the first Warriors book Into the Wild and the first book in the TMI series City of Bones. Also there will be a few other differences that you will see as the book moves forward. I am a fan of Malec, Clace and Sizzy so I will be trying to incorporate these ships into the book. I do not own Shadowhunters or Warriors and I hope everyone enjoys! Also, I didn't create the cover photo so credit to whomever is responsible.
HunterClan (Shadowhunters) (no surprise these guys will be like ThunderClan)
Leader: Blossomstar (light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes) apprentice: Arrowpaw
Deputy: Foxtail (dark ginger tom with a fluffy tail with a white tip and white paws)
Medicine Cat: Lilyspots (silver she-cat with white splotches and green eyes)
Warriors (toms and she-cats without kits):
Scratchnose (black tom with scar on his nose and brown eyes)
Bearfur (golden brown tom with amber eyes)
Swallowsong (white she-cat with blue eyes) (Imogen)
Vultureclaw (dark brown tabby tom with long claws) (Malachi) apprentice: Dawnpaw
Badgerstripe (black tom with a white stripe along his back and brown eyes) (Robert L.)
Dustcloud (fluffy brown tom with yellow eyes) (M. Wayland) apprentice: Goldenpaw
Starkpelt (pale ginger tom with amber eyes) (Hodge)
Silvermoon (gray tabby she-cat with ice blue eyes) (Maryse L.)
Petalfall (ginger she-cat with green eyes)
Junipernose (brown tabby tom) (Andrew B.)
Ripplefur (cream colored tabby tom) (Arthur B.)
Honeybee (golden she-cat with white paws)
Comfreyleaf (yellow tabby she-cat with brown eyes and white paws)
Specklefoot (white tom with ginger spots on his paws)
Palenose (pale gold she-cat with brown eyes) apprentice: Brackenpaw
Littlebird (white she-cat with green eyes) apprentice:Nightpaw
Ashwhisker (gray tom with blue eyes)
Frondleap (golden-brown tabby tom with white paws)
Queens (she-cats nursing or expecting kits):
Dapplefur (tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes) (Jia) (Violetkit-tortoiseshell she-cat with violet eyes (Aline), Stripekit- small gray tabby she-cat with a white belly, Mousekit-light brown she-cat with green eyes, Smokekit-small dark gray tom with amber eyes)
Apprentices (cats in training to become warriors or a medicine cat):
Brackenpaw (golden-brown tom with brown eyes) (Underhill)
Dawnpaw (pale yellow she-cat) (Lydia)
Arrowpaw (black tom with white dash on his chest and blue eyes) (Alec)
Goldenpaw (gold tabby tom with golden eyes) (Jace)
Nightpaw (black she-cat with brown eyes) (Isabelle)
Elders (retired warriors and medicine cats):
Mistwing (gray she-cat with green eyes) (Amatis)
Puddlestep (ginger tom with dark brown paws)
Featherflight (gray tabby tom with a white tail tip)
Barkstep (dark brown tabby tom)
MagicClan (warlocks) (these guys will be like RiverClan)
Leader: Wishstar (gray tom with a white belly and white paws)
Deputy: Patchfur (black tom with ginger splotches and yellow eyes) (Magnus)
Medicine cat: Berrypool (tortishell she-cat with brown eyes) (Catarina)
Prickleclaw (yellow tabby tom with green eyes) (Ragnor)
Stoneleap (gray tabby tom with long legs)
Minnowfall (white she-cat with blue eyes)
Sandyfur (gold she-cat with white paws) apprentice: Stempaw
Twistbelly (black tom with green eyes and a white belly)
Weaselfur (brown tom with a cream colored belly and brown eyes) (Lorenzo)
Moletail (small ginger tom with a thin tail)
Ambereyes (light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes)
Spikefur (fluffy yellow tom with green eyes)
Heavyfoot (dark brown tabby tom with black paws) apprentice: Fernpaw
Breezefur (fluffy gray she-cat with brown eyes)
Watertail (silver she-cat with light blue eyes and a bushy tail) apprentice:Thrushpaw
Fuzzsplash (white tom with long legs and amber eyes)
Fishpelt (gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes)
Springfern (pale ginger she-cat with green eyes)(Willowkit-silver she-cat, Hollowkit-small brown tom with yellow eyes, Mosskit-black and white she-cat)
Frightpelt (black she-cat with a white muzzle)
Treetail (dark brown tom with a bushy tail)
Stiffwhisker (gray tabby tom with a white muzzle)
Daisysong (white she-cat with gray splotches)
FangClan (vampires) (these guys will be like ShadowClan)
Leader: Venomstar (dark brown she-cat with green eyes and dainty white paws)
Deputy: Thornpelt (gray tom with brown speckles on his back and with brown eyes)(Raphael)
Medicine cat: Shrewwhisker (scrawny black tom with yellow eyes)
Apprentice: Ravenpaw (small black tom with yellow eyes and a white tail tip)
Shardtail (Black tom with white speckled tail) apprentice: Woodpaw
Ragestripe (dark ginger tabby tom with brown eyes and a fluffy tail)
Echoflight (silver she-cat with green eyes)
Licebelly (gold tabby tom with white spots on his belly)
Poisonsong (tortoishell she-cat with violet eyes)
Lilypelt (white she-cat with green eyes) apprentice:Pinepaw
Marshfang (dark tabby tom)
Mudwhisker (dark tabby tom with amber eyes and a torn ear)
Icefoot (black tom with a white front paw and blue eyes)
Hornettail (yellow tabby tom with brown eyes) apprentice: Dartpaw
Sharpfang (large black tom with sharpened fangs)
Tricklestep (white she-cat with ginger ears and one ginger paw)
Streaktail (gray she-cat with a white tail) (Bitekit-dark gray tom with brown eyes, Scratchkit-black tom with white paws, Leapkit-ginger she-cat, Yarrowkit-yellow furred she-cat)
Snarltooth (dark gray tabby tom whose missing a front fang)
Brittlewing (white tom with ice blue eyes)
Blindeyes (brown tabby tom who lost his vision in both eyes)
Cricketleap (gray tom with green eyes)
Hedgepelt (small brown she-cat)
Frogtongue (pale brown tom with yellow eyes)
FaerieClan (seelies) (these guys will be like SkyClan)
Leader: Vinestar ( dark ginger she-cat with wild green eyes) (seelie queen)
Deputy: Twigflight (gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes and white hind paws)
Medicine Cat: Doebelly (brown tom with white spots along his belly) apprentice: Seedpaw (golden-brown tabby she-cat with white paws and green eyes)
(Regular Faeries or Court Faeries)
Scaldtail (gray tabby tom with a tail covered in white speckles)
Rosethorn (fluffy dark ginger she-cat) apprentice: Soundpaw
Duskstep (black tom with pale gray paws and green eyes) (Meliorn)
Hopfoot (white tom with ginger chest fur and blue eyes) (Fergus) apprentice: Echopaw
Whiteflower (white she-cat with stunning blue-gray eyes) (Nene)
Violetstem (silver she-cat with violet eyes)
Heateyes (dark gray tom with amber eyes)
Shynose (cream colored she-cat with a white belly)
Applewish (ginger she-cat with dark brown eyes)
(Wild Hunt Faeries)
Slitherclaw (pale gold tom with green and brown eyes)
Yarrowpelt (black tom with yellow and amber eyes)
Shadeleaf (slim black tom with a fluffy tail tip) apprentice: Harrypaw
Hornleaf (gold tabby tom with green and gold eyes) apprentice: Beckonpaw
Chaseleg (ginger tom with long legs and a short tail)
Bellowstep (dark ginger tom with green and blue eyes)
Flowerheart (silver she-cat with a white belly) (weedkit, springkit, twinekit)
Coldwind (white and gray she-cat with ice blue eyes) (rufflekit and heronkit)
Stumpfoot (dark gray tabby tom who is missing a front paw)
Melodycrash ( ginger she-cat with white specks around her muzzle)
Huntingfur (pale brown tom with faded gold and blue eyes)
Gnarlpelt (brown tabby tom with amber eyes)
Fadedpelt (white tom with gray eyes)
Bouldernose (black tom with mismatched gray and amber eyes)
WolfClan (these guys are the werewolves, they'll be like WindClan)
Leader: Rookstar (old brown tabby tom with amber eyes and a long scar down his flank) apprentice: Spikepaw
Deputy: Grayfur (gray tabby tom with brown eyes and a faded scar on his shoulder; formerly of HunterClan) (Luke) apprentice: Silverpaw (Maia)
Medicine Cat: Bellflower (small white she-cat with one dark gray front paw) apprentice: Tendrilpaw (ginger she-cat with a white tail tip)
Mousefoot (short gray tom with green eyes)
Ripplesplash (light brown tom with blue eyes)
Frecklepelt (speckled yellow she-cat with violet eyes)
Thrushsong (cream colored she-cat) apprentice: Bushpaw
Clearbreeze (white tom with blue eyes) apprentice: Leafpaw
Howlclaw (big black tom with many scars from fighting)
Logbelly (light brown tabby tom with a dark brown belly)
Flightwing (yellow tom with dark brown paws)
Deerspeckle (light brown she-cat with white spots)
Strikeclaw (dark brown tom with amber eyes) (Jordan)
Crashtail (dark gray tabby tom) (Bat)
Poppyleaf (tortoishell she-cat with blue eyes)
Leechheart (Golden she-cat with green eyes, missing part of an ear)
Claypelt (ginger she-cat with brown eyes) (Puddlekit, Gorgekit, Scarcekit, Micahkit, Creamkit)
Mooncloud (black she-cat with green eyes)
Cherrynose (white she-cat with a dark pink nose) (Blinkkit-white tom, and Shudderkit-white tom with black splotches)
Missingtooth (black tom, missing a tooth and with a long scar across one eye)
Conestripe (gray tabby she cat with a white belly and blue eyes)
Cats Outside the Clans: (live alone in the wild or in the Twoleg place)
Frostfang (white tom with gray ear tips and tail tip with dark amber eyes; formerly of HunterClan) (Valentine)
Jess (dark ginger she-cat with green eyes; lives with Twolegs; formerly Russetleaf of HunterClan ) (Jocelyn)
Clary (small flame colored ginger she-cat with green eyes; lives with Twolegs)
Simon (a kittypet who is a dark brown tabby tom with brown eyes)
Flick (gray she-cat with green eyes and a white tail tip; loner)
Archer (yellow tabby with blue eyes; loner)
Dot (tortoishell She-cat with amber eyes; kittypet)
Spot (fat brown and white tom; kittypet)
Shade (black tom with yellow eyes; rogue)
Ragged (yellow tom with scars on his sides; rogue)
Flint (black tom with amber eyes; rogue)
Boots (small ginger tom with white paws; kittypet)
Flower (fluffy white she-cat with blue eyes; lives with Twolegs)
Alec Lightwood-Bane thought after becoming the archangel Remiel that life would settle back into normalcy. For a few months, he was not wrong. Magnus, his family (both old and new) and himself were able to continue on with their daily lives, taking the time to have fun together in a moment of peace. Unfortunately, that moment was only meant to last for so long. The Dark Order, thought to be long gone has risen once more. They are sure to bring death and destruction, all in search for a power that was believed to be long gone before but has recently returned. Alec has had experience with this group in the past, as have Daniel, Pippa and Harry respectively. The siblings tell him the truth: that he wasn't awakened just because of them, and that a dark evil will rise that he will be called to fight. Alec must now struggle to prepare for a battle he never asked for, all the while finding out the hidden truths unbeknownst to him. His world lays in uncertainty. Things are not as they seem. With new enemies come familiar faces, the traumas of the past come to life. Will Alec and his family be able to withstand the storm they bring? Or will they be lost in the waves of ruin sure to hit. And just who is Sara Herondale? What role does she play in all this mess? A/N: This story takes place after the Shadowhunters TV finale and A Hidden Past(a book I wrote that you should totally read if you haven't yet). It is NOT related to the books (and believe me I'd know since I've read them). However, I may include the occasional reference or three. Hope y'all enjoy!
BEWARE OF THE COLD DARKNESS, ONLY AN ARROW CAN PIERCE ITS HEART Arrowheart (Alec) and siblings have just became warriors of HunterClan. Arrowheart and Goldenclaw (Jace) are now Parabatai, and Clary has decided to join HunterClan. Life couldn't be better right? Wrong. Enemies lurk around every turn. With WolfClan missing, it will be up to HunterClan to bring them home once more. Arrowheart, Goldenclaw, Nightrose (Izzy), Clary, Simon and Patchfur (Magnus) will search for answers on how to defeat their enemies. With Frostfang alive, and the Circle returning, there is sure to be plenty. And, they must also find the truth about enemies they know are nearby. Will they succeed, or will they be destroyed? The fate of the Shadow World rests in their paws. Join Arrowheart and his friends on this brand new adventure. There will be new experiences galore. With special missions, searching for truth, epic love stories, and new cats to meet with their own stories, the second installment of the Shadowhunters: Mortal Instruments and Warriors Cats: The Prophecies begin crossover is at it again in City of Ice and Fire. Disclaimer: I do not own Shadowhunters or Warriors Cats. Credit to the creator of the photo too. Hope y'all enjoy!
For most of Alec's life, he had thought he had to hide who he was. He had feared being open and honest with himself, his parents telling him he'd never be good enough not helping the situation at all. Now, however, everything had changed. That change that had made him the happiest he has ever been, all started with Magnus. Against all odds, Alec and Magnus have found love and are now happily married. Now Alec has never been happier: he's married to the man he loves and is the Inquisitor. Everything seems right in his world, except not really. Turns out, there's a secret inside of him that even he didn't know about. A secret that threatens to tear everything he loves and cares for apart. Join Alec, Magnus, and the rest of the Shadow World as they take on a new danger that none of them saw coming. There'll be love, laughter, tears, bonding and so much more. Oh, and who are those people with wings? Why do they say Alec is so important? What's this about immortality? A/N: This story takes place after the Shadowhunters TV finale. It is NOT related to the books (and believe me I'd know since I've read them). However, I may include the occasional reference or three. I hope y'all enjoy. Also, the photos I use in here are not mine so credit to the people responsible. Also, I don't own Shadowhunters cause if I did, the show would've never been cancelled. Hope y'all enjoy! Also, the sequel to this book is called An Uncertain Present. It is out now, so if you like this book you should totally check it out!
After two years of marriage, Sadie was finally pregnant. Filled with hope and joy, she was blindsided when Noah asked for a divorce. During a failed attempt on her life, Sadie found herself lying in a pool of blood, desperately calling Noah to ask him to save her and the baby. But her calls went unanswered. Shattered by his betrayal, she left the country. Time passed, and Sadie was about to be wed for a second time. Noah appeared in a frenzy and fell to his knees. "How dare you marry someone else after bearing my child?"
"You're my wife in name only, on paper only. My heart and love will never be yours." Edward made it clear to Daisy that she was nothing to him. They were both victims of family greed -- the marriage was arranged for them. Six years passed. She remained quiet, gaining a reputation in the army as a tough-as-nails colonel. When she walked into his life again, Edward fell in love with this woman, unlike any he had known. She surprised and delighted him. But will Daisy take him back? Can their son keep them together? Can the rift between them be healed? Pick this one up and find out!
"You're a creepy bastard." His eyes smolder me and his answering grin is nothing short of beautiful. Deadly. "Yet you hunger for me. Tell me, this appetite of yours, does it always tend toward 'creepy bastards'?" **** Widower and ex-boss to the Mafia, Zefiro Della Rocca, has an unhealthy fixation on the woman nextdoor. It began as a coincidence, growing into mere curiosity, and soon, it was an itch he couldn't ignore, like a quick fix of crack for an addict. He didn't know her name, but he knew every inch of her skin, how it flushed when she climaxed, her favourite novel and that every night she contemplated suicide. He didn't want to care, despising his rapt fascination of the woman. She was in love with her abusive husband. She was married, bound by a contract to the Bratva's hitman. She was off-limits. But when Zefiro wanted something, it was with an intensity that bordered on madness. He obsessed, possessed, owned. There'd be bloodshed if he touched her, but the sight of blood always did fascinate him. * When Susanna flees from her husband, she stumbles right into the arms of her devilishly handsome neighbour with a brooding glare. He couldn't stand her, but she needed him, if she was ever going to escape her husband who now wanted her dead. Better the devil you know than the angel you don't. She should have recalled that before hopping into Zefiro's car and letting him whisk her away to Italy. Maybe then, she wouldn't have started an affair with him. He was the only man who touched her right, and the crazy man took no small pains in ensuring he would be the last.
In her previous life, Kimberly endured the betrayal of her husband, the cruel machinations of an evil woman, and the endless tyranny of her in-laws. It culminated in the bankruptcy of her family, and ultimately, her death. After being reborn, she resolved to seek retribution against those who had wronged her, and ensure her family's prosperity. To her shock, the most unattainable man from her past suddenly set his sights on her. "You may have overlooked me before, but I shall capture your heart this time around."
"Carroll Brown is dead! But you have to marry him in your sister's name." My mother said to me in a cold tone. My sister was engaged to the hottest billionaire. It should have been a perfect marriage. Unexpectedly, Carroll was dead in an accident. My sister didn't want to become a widow, so she forced me to marry her dead fiance. And I had no right to refuse her. Actually, I was the biological daughter of the Smith family. My sister was an adoptive one. My sister and I had been swapped at the hospital when we were just born. My parents had already had a deep relationship with her. So they chose to sacrifice me. On the wedding day, I was taken to the mourning hall. "Ma'am, please keep Master company and let him feel warm." The housekeeper said with a cold expression. I couldn't help but look up at the portrait above the coffin, and my heart skipped a beat at this glance. The man in the portrait was more handsome than the superstars in Hollywood. Carroll Brown? My dead husband? Wow, he was really handsome! I didn't know how long had passed when my stomach began to rebel. After one glance at the coffin, I swallowed my saliva and then begged with my fingers crossed. "Mr. Carroll, I'm starving! May I eat your pastries? You don't mind, do you?" "I do." "Ah!" Scared, I broke out in a cold sweat. My legs went limp, and I fell to the ground. I shouted, "Ghost!" Carroll curled his lips, leaned over, and touched the black coffin. "Mr. Carroll has risen from the dead. What do you think of this headline tomorrow?"
Once upon a time, there were two kingdoms once at peace. The kingdom of Salem and the kingdom of Mombana... Until the day, the king of Mombana passed away and a new monarch took over, Prince Cone. Prince Cone, has always been hungry for more power and more and more. After his coronation, he attacked Salem. The attack was so unexpected, Salem never prepared for it. They were caught off guard. The king and Queen was killed, the prince was taken into slavery. The people of Salem that survived the war was enslaved, their land taken from them. Their women were made sex slaves. They lost everything, including their land. Evil befall the land of Salem in form of Prince Cone, and the prince of Salem in his slavery was filled with so much rage. The prince of Salem, Prince Lucien swore revenge. 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳 Ten years later, thirty-years old Lucien and his people raided a coup and escaped slavery. They went into hiding and recuperated. They trained day and night under the leadership of the fearless and cold Lucien who was driven with everything in him to get back their land, and take Mombana land too. It took them five years before they ambushed and attacked Mombana. They killed Prince Cone and reclaimed everything. As they screamed out their victory, Lucien's eyes found and pinned the proud princess of Mombana. Princess Danika. The daughter of Prince Cone. As Lucien stared at her with the coldest eyes anyone can ever possess, he felt victory for the first time. He walked to the princess with the slave collar he'd won for ten years rattling in his hand as he walked. He reached close to her and with a swift movement, he collared her neck. Then, he tilted her chin up, staring into the bluest eyes and the most beautiful face ever created, he gave her a cold smile. "You are my acquisition. My slave. My sex slave. My property. I will pay you in spades, everything you and your father ever did to me and my people." He stated curtly. Pure hatred, coldness and victory was the only emotion on his face. .