img City of the Wild (A warriors cats and Shadowhunters Crossover)  /  Chapter 4 Hanging With Friends | 14.71%
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Chapter 4 Hanging With Friends

Word Count: 1531    |    Released on: 16/07/2019

rowpaw could see that some cats were already eating prey and sharing tongues. After telling them to get something to eat and to get some r

ll starved, not that Arrowpaw and his sister would argue otherwise. Arrowpaw selected a squirrel from the

icine cats. The den consisted of a multiple bush overhang where several vines were entwined at the entrance for passage to the spacious d

apprentices liked to eat at and on occasion wrestle around. Badgerstripe had told his children stories of the play fights he'd had with his bond brother, Dustc

in front of the rabbit she and her brother were sharing. Unlike her brother, Dawnpaw was more reserved. The pale she-cat

as the first day

."It was great! We explored the whole territory!" Dawnpaw loo

ow were two very different colors, the two she-cats were sometimes like night and day to one another. Nightpaw was always bold and clever, she could work her

eed to make that comparison. Instead, he focused on a height comparison. As Brackenpaw was older than Arrowpaw and Goldenpaw, he

It was way better than what you guys had to do. Taking care of the elders on your first day mus

ldenpaw that's not necessary." He sternly told him. "I'm sure they were more than happy to do

d chuckle at the brothers' exchange, seemingly unbothered by Goldenpaw's words earlier. Luckily, t

if you like and afterwards we can help you three mak

on that offer." With that the three new app

hat they had done. Brackenpaw and Dawnpaw had been apprentices for a little over two moons now so they were already

n Vultureclaw's face when he found out Dawnpaw killed an adder! It was great! The big scary tom was spee

would fill as many bellies as that rabbit you caught earli

id, his tail draping over his sister's back in a gesture of affection. Dawnpaw still remained a bit

Blossomstar didn't join us today? I mean you are her appren

ining her new apprentice but he was sure that whatever it was it had to be important. It has to be...right? She wouldn'

ow does it feel to be our clan leader's apprentice? She hasn't had one in a

rest of him, though there was his pink paw pads that were somewhat brown now from all the traveling he had d

m not sure what kept her from training me today.

free time, what if the light brown tabby had no time to train him. Will I ever become a warrior? The idea

Blossomstar deciding to train you herself has to mean she has big plans for you." Arrowpaw

htpaw agreed. "Blossomstar must thi

tly longer black fur mixing with her slim black coat. Goldenpaw took this as a sig

ren't enough, cuddling expressed what words could not. When the two oldest apprentices finished their meal they go

e evening." The three siblings went and followed Brack

Dawnpaw perfect lighting to explain sleeping arrangements. The two eldest apprentices s

r Goldenpaw and Arrowpaw. The three young cats thanked their friends for making their nests for them and settled into them gently.

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