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Reading History

Chapter 2 New Apprentices

Word Count: 1960    |    Released on: 16/07/2019

the camp was full of activity. Many cats were excited for what the new season would bring. Arrowkit wouldn't admit it aloud,

ed it when his mother groomed him, but he knew better to complain. Silvermoon w

nterference. When they'd returned home, their mother had been furious. She'd given them the most stern talking to he ever bore

urred brother complained to Badgerstripe about messing up his fur. As the little tabby had a stocky build like his father, he certainly had ple

ppppp." Goldenkit said between the squirming mo

anced jealously over at his mate Silvermoon, who was having no trouble with Arrowkit, steadily

ecome apprentices. She smiled at her mate, and moved over to help him finish up with Goldenkit's grooming. Meanwhile, Arrowkit

apprentices today! No more stupid cramped

ys something he enjoyed. His mother called him a family cat for that reason, he could be standoffish wi

ed her curiously, his tail flicking to and fro. Nig

whoever has to handle Goldenkit. They'll have their p

giving a mock glare at Nightkit and sitting down next to Arrowkit. Out of the three of them, Nightkit and Goldenkit were known

sister's terrible choice of wor

hat or he just didn't care. Probably the second option, he reminisced. From sneaking out of camp to putting thistles in the elders' nests to that time they put a live fr

t's not like you didn't nearly get us eaten by a fox three moons ago." Goldenkit

d anyway." He boasted. Nightkit sighed at her confident brother's words. Badgerstripe a

oon. You can bicker later." Badgerstripe told them gru

iving Badgerstripe a proud smile that Badgerstripe returned in full. Arrowkit

, not in length, but it would only be a matter of time. The three kits hastily scrambled to their paws and

ing her way up to the top of the High Rock. Her light brown tabby fur looked more vibrant un

rey join here underneath the highledge for a

it. Arrowkit glanced at both of his siblings on his right side. Nightkit was in the middle of their motley group with Goldenkit sitting on the other side, his ches

for the Clan." The leader began with a happy grin. Arrowkit's heart pounded in his

red with her paw. The three young cats eagerly step forward. Their

r will be Dustcloud. I hope he will pass down all he knows to you." Dustcloud, a fluffy brown tom with yellow eyes moved forward

he was given to Littlebird to mentor. Littlebird was very pleased to be mentoring t

or. Whispers had went around about who his siblings mentors would be, but not his. The mystery around his mentor made him nervous. Blo

n, until you earn your warrior name, your n

clan were also sharing in his shock. Blossomstar had not been a mentor for any cat since she became leader. Mo

his and she backed away. "This meeting is now at an end." Cats then went about dispersing to their duties,

. Although I'm sure you've already seen a bit of it from your adventures." He meowed to h

white she-cat's fur was a stark contrast to her apprentice's

gether. Dustcloud gave his agreement and then the two mentors turned to Blossomstar. Arro

owpaw will like to see the territo

apprentice. Apparently their mentors had him and his sister Dawnpaw take care of the elders on their first day, with the reasoning that taking care of them was one of the most

th that their leader turned to Arrowpaw. "Listen to what Dustcloud and Littlebird have to tell you. I'll be taking you out myself soon enough." She told

e. "Don't worry Arrowpaw, I'm sure Blossomstar wi

point Arrowpaw wasn't listening though. My first day as an apprentice and my mentor can't be here to tra

closely into his own blue ones. "I know you wish Blossomstar was here, but she's not, so you

litter mates who were now at the entrance of the camp with Dustcloud. Soon enough the Littl

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