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Fated To The Mafia Boss's Son

Fated To The Mafia Boss's Son

85 Chapters
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.......... "Have you ever touched yourself Lily?" Leonardo asked not breaking the eye contact with the beauty in front of him "I.....I did, a few times" Lily answered as her heart raced "Really? Show me" Leonardo said "What?" "Show me how you touch yourself, I'd love to see you touching yourself Lily, show me" Leonardo said as he placed his hand and cupped Lily's red cheeks He moved closer and whispered into her ear "Touch yourself Lily, while I watch you do it" ................ Lily met him at the dark alley behind the clubhouse. They immediately hooked up. It was supposed to be a one night stand but he did everything sensual to her except really having sex with her. Just when Lily thought he was going to pull the sheets and penetrate her, she blacked out. Lily woke up the next morning, alone in the hotel suite, her strange one night stand guy had drugged her last night and disappeared, she never thought she'll see him again but in the coming days, their paths crossed again. This time, he was more than just the handsome stranger she almost had a one night stand with. 18+ Slow burning romance Drama Lust

Chapter 1 A Quest To Have Fun

"You are beautiful Lily Martini, no matter what anyone says, you are unique Lily Martini, no matter what others think, you deserve to be happy Lily Martini, even if your parents are broken" Lily was done reciting her daily mantra and she gave herself a pat on the shoulder

"Today's another day, let's make sure to do great today"

Lily Martini is a 24 year old lady who's dream is to be a great artist like Michaelangelo or Leonardo Da Vinci and also to one day, find her "The One". She took interest in drawing right from her days in kindergarten and she grew up to be quite good at it. But the one art Lily could never quite draw is a lily flower, no matter how hard she tries, her hand trembles each time she holds a pen to draw the flower which her parents named her after. Truth be told, she hates her name and has made plans of changing it in the nearest future, maybe to Rachel or Phoebe, she hasn't decided yet but she's definitely going to change to a really sexy name

Lily's cab stopped in front of the Art Gallery and she alighted from the car and paid the driver, then she walk in with a bright smile

"Good morning Lily" Her colleagues greeted

"Good morning" she beamed a smiled at them as she sat on her chair

"Lily! Lily" Lily's best friend and colleague Anna ran towards her desk as she chanted her name

"What's wrong Anna? Did hell suddenly fall on Earth?" Lily queried

"Worse Lily, remember your ex-boyfriend, Michael Lorenzo?" Anna enquired

"Yes and why are you sudden reminding me of that jerk?"

"Well I won't need to remind you of him anymore as you'll be seeing him everyday from now" Anna said

"What do you mean by that now Anna?"

"Remember our director resigned yesterday?" Anna asked and Lily nodded

"Well guess who's the new Director of the Art Gallery? Your dear ex, Mr Micheal Lorenzo!"

"What?!!" Lily exclaimed as she sprang up banging her hand on her desk, then she realized that she had drew the attention of everyone in the office

"Sorry, sorry" she mouthed as she sat back

"Shocking huh?" Anna asked

"How the hell did that jerk surface from nowhere and suddenly become the director overnight?" Lily enquired

"Heard he's cousins with our director that resigned yesterday, but you should know this, you are the ex-girlfriend here" Anna pointed out

"He told me he was a freelance artist Anna, he never mentioned any relation to our director!"

"Well I hope you guys didn't part on very bad terms else things are gonna get really hectic for you" Anna said

"Depends on what you term 'really bad terms', we only dated for a few months then I caught him cheating on me, I saw him having some good time with another lady Anna, I was going to be the one to end things but he beat me to it too, before I could tell him that I broke up with him, he told me that first and do you know what he said his reasons are? He said I'm not good in bed!"

"What?!" Anna exclaimed

"And not only that, he told me he's allergic to lilies and since I bear the same name as the flower, I remind him of his stupid allergies, I was so angry Anna and I couldn't leave like that so I slapped him"

"What?!" Anna squealed

"You slapped the new director?"

"He wasn't the new director then!" Lily defended and then sighed

"But that doesn't matter does it? He's probably going to make life miserable for me"

Anna felt bad for her friend, Lily never really had any luck in dating or in men at all, each time she dated, she always ended up with the world worst jerk, sometimes she says her parent's bad fate was rubbing off on her and that's why she moved out of home, to another city far away from her parents. And that was also why Lily never had an interesting sex life and yet, throughout all the heartbreaks, she kept her head high and continued to beam her enchanting smile at everyone

"You know what? Quit sulking, why don't you come clubbing with me tonight, I'm supposed to go to this club with some of my friends tonight so you can tag along" Anna said trying to cheer up her friend

"No Anna, I'll pass" Lily said sadly as she placed her head on the table

Moments later, the new director of the Art Gallery walked in

"He's here girl" Anna tapped Lily and she quickly hid her face, avoiding an eye contact with her ex

"My name is Michael Lorenzo, the new director of this Art Gallery and I look forward to having a good time with you all" Mr Lorenzo finished his introduction

He was about walking into his office and he glanced at Lily who was struggling to hide her face from him

He smiled

He has been looking forward to this since his cousin brought up her resignation and he offered to take her place

"Miss Martini?" He called and Lily quickly stood up

"Y.....yes ......yes Sir" she stuttered and Micheal struggled to hold in his laughter

"I was briefed by my cousin that you are currently working on a new art piece?"

"Yes" Lily nodded

"I'd like to know more about the art piece, come to my office and brief me about it in the next five minutes" Michael said and he walked off to his office

"I'm dead Anna, I'm dead, he's going to make me pay the price for slapping him now" Lily panicked

"Stay calm Lily, he's just your boss, forget about your past with him, here" Anna took the file for the art piece from Lily's table and handed it to her

"You are an artist so just go in there and brief him of your amazing art piece, do not think of anything else"

Lily nodded

Anna is right

Michael is not her ex boyfriend now, he's her new boss

Lily held on tight to the file and walked into Micheal's office

"Good morning Sir" Lily greeted avoiding eye contact with her boss

"So, about my current art piece, the art is a sculpture of Leonardo Da Vinci but made with parchments of starched paper, I just collected......"

Micheal suddenly stood up and grabbed Lily's arm

"You missed me didn't you?" He beamed a dirty smiled

"What.....what are you doing Sir?!"

"I was going to pay you back for slapping me back then but then again, after giving it a second thought, I think I understand your plight. I'm sure you have never dated someone as awesome as me so you must have been very sad losing me back then, am sure you still are and guess what? I can consider taking you back if you go on your knees and apologize to me" Micheal smiled


"I said I'll consider taking you back if you go on your knees and apologize, you should be grateful you know, taking back an oldie like you who knows not how to have fun, you should know I am actually doing you a favor as no guy will date a sexually inexperienced lady like you, so....."

"I'm a sexually inexperienced because you failed to excite me in bed!!" Lily suddenly yelled losing her temper

"What?" Michael's mouth fell open in surprise

Lily had already started this, so she can as well finish it not giving a damn about the aftermath

"All the time I spent with you Michael you never for once turned me on! Your tiny malfunctioning D never even brought me close to any orgasm yet I pitied you and stayed with your sorry ass, but you got ahead of yourself and cheated and yes, I slapped you and I'll do it again if given the chance! Here" Lily threw the art piece file on Micheal's face

"A last piece of advice, go for a hospital check-up, who knows, you might actually be sterile, Jerk!!" She said and walked out leaving Micheal in a puddle of disbelief

Anna waited for Lily hoping all went well with the new boss

He won't probably slap her back for what she did back then will he? No he can't, that will count as employee abuse and he can be arrested

Then will he fire her? He is the director after all

"I am going clubbing with you guys" Lily announced to Anna as she sat back on her seat jerking Anna out of her thoughts


"I'm going to go clubbing with you and your friends, dance and drink away my life, and if I see a charming guy, I'm going to seduce him into having a crazy one night stand with me, I am going to have the best night of my life and prove that jerk wrong, I can have fun if I want to and I will have fun tonight, then umm..... I can start looking for a new job the day after"

"He fired you?!" Anna exclaimed

"Not yet, but I'm sure he will soon when he recovers from the shock I just gave him" Lily said

"What did you do to him Lily?" Anna enquired hoping her friend hadn't said too much to the new director

"I told him he has a tiny malfunctioning D and he was never able to really turn me on throughout our time together, I threw the file at him and told him to go get a check-up, he might actually be sterile" Lily recounted

"What?!" Anna exclaimed

"Don't say anything Anna, I've accepted my fate, before that jerk fires me I'm gonna tender my resignation letter tomorrow and this time, I am not gonna let him beat me to it but for tonight, I'm going to prove to myself that I am not an oldie and I can have fun if I want to unlike that jerk believes" Lily said as she stood up

"Where are you going?" Anna asked

"I don't think I'll be able to stand seeing that jerk's face again, I'm going back home to get a good sleep, I'll come by your place by 6 so we can go clubbing together, then tomorrow, I'll throw my resignation letter at that jerk's face before he fires me himself" Lily said as she took her bag

"Are you being serious about this Lily?" Anna asked

"I'm damn serious Anna, see you later tonight" Lily winked at Anna and walked out

This shit of a job didn't really pay her much anyway, she just endured and stick around because she loved doing her job as an artist

But that doesn't matter now cause tonight, she's going to have a blast and hopefully, have the best sexual experience of her life too.....

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Latest Release: Chapter 85 Finale   03-22 10:39
6 Chapter 6 A Job Offer
12 Chapter 12 Attracted
13 Chapter 13 Survive
14 Chapter 14 Questions
16 Chapter 16 Lust
17 Chapter 17 A Break
19 Chapter 19 Same Name
21 Chapter 21 Limits
24 Chapter 24 Dominate
25 Chapter 25 Family
26 Chapter 26 Suspended
33 Chapter 33 Secrets
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