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Banshee stopped her chants and went to fetch hot sand that was initially in the burning fire and she scattered it on his face. Rubbing it in his head and using it to bathe him, he was in pain, very serious pain.

Chapter 1 Dad takes over Mia

Mara's POV

I found Mia drinking water by the river, Louis and his men had already ambushed her.

I observed what was happening with keen eyes, I didn't just want to rush in and do something crazy. If I were to do anything then we were both sure to lose our lives.

"Why are you hiding?" Mia queried and looked around.

"I know you are there Louis, you ungrateful fellow" Mia spoke with so much authority that I unknowingly began to have goosebumps.

"You can come out of your hiding places, and is best if you drop those toys you have been carrying around in the name of guns'' Mia smiled wickedly.

Slowly I saw the grass move and one of the men tried to grab her from behind but a very strong force pushed him away. It was like a forcefield was around Mia and no one could harm her.

Louis also came out of hiding, clapping his hand and smiling like someone who just won the lottery.

"I can see how big your wings have grown. Little girl, believe me, I am going to clip those wings of yours" Louis sounded very threatening, well at least that was how he felt. He sounded like a complete moron if you'd ask me.

"I CAN SEE YOU STILL HAVEN'T GROWN UP. LITTLE BROTHER" Mia's voice became very deep and terrifying. The ground was shaken and her voice echoed in the place. It was an open place, why was there an echo?.

"Arthur!" Louis stammered as he retracted from Mia. His men had already started keeping a safe distance from her when one of them was unable to grab her.

"It took you so long" Mia stood tall with the breeze blowing through her hair and her hands lifted to the sky. Her eyes had completely turned green, with lights flashing out of them. I was floating in mid-air, wow! Awesome.

"You go are dead now and there is nothing you can do to harm me. Just go away, you have lost and I have won. Go and rest in peace" Louis was stammering and every atom of bravery that was left in his body had disappeared. He sounded like a crybaby, whose candy had just been snatched away from them.

"I never knew you could be so pathetic to think that. You took everything away from me. I left the throne for you but you still went as far as killing my babies even before they were born and you think I will rest in peace" Mia spoke, my father had taken complete control over her, and she didn't sound herself.

She didn't even know what she was saying and why she was saying it.

Seeing Mia float in the air like that with the wind lifting her hair, really frightened Louis's men.

"Cowards!!" Louis swallowed a huge chunk of his saliva when he saw that they were about to make a run for it.

"Nobody goes anywhere" Mia sounded so enraged and everyone's feet became glued to the floor.

"Right from childhood, I gave you everything that was mine initially but you always took advantage of me. Do you think I will let you get away this time?" Mia asked him and he began to have a shortage of breath, sweating profusely and looking like he was going to collapse any moment now.

"I can see you are still not getting me," Mia added and lifted her hands, squeezing her fist as if trying to strangle him.

"Please...uhhh." I saw Louis beg for his life. I never thought anything could bring such an evil man back to his knees but I guess I was wrong.

"You are the cause of your fortune but I won't be the one to k*ll you. My daughter will" Mia spoke gently and then released her grip on him before returning to the ground.

"RUN!!" She screamed and she screamed an earthquake. I could feel the ground shaking beneath my feet and the sky felt like they were going to rip apart.

Louis and his foolish men took their heels, running without looking back, who knew grown-up men could run so fast?.

Mia suddenly felt a sharp pain in her forehead as she clenched it very tightly and fell to the ground.

"Mia! Mia!" I rushed to her, catering out the name while I shook her with her body lying on the floor but she didn't respond to me.

"Mia please open your eyes, please" I began to shop especially when I noticed that she wasn't breathing. I used my hands to scoop up some water from the river and poured it on her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her when I noticed her eye muscles had begun to move. She was seriously struggling to open them and was doing great.

"Where is this place? Have they gone?" Mia kept on asking me, why doesn't my dad leave her with memories after possessing her? It would be so cool if she saw how fearless she looked.

"They are gone now and guess who chased them away?" I asked her with a smile on my face, hoping he would make a good guess.

"You? Did you kill anyone?" She inquired, still looking very dizzy. I could tell that her head felt so heavy and her eyes were worn out.

"You did Mia but I think we should talk about that later, for now. We have to find a way to get you to the car okay? Come with me" I tried to help her get up. I didn't realize how far we were from the roadside until I had to assist Mia to walk to the car. It was a dreadful experience because she would slip from my hand and as a result, she would crash to the ground.

I will have to pick her up again and keep walking. With each time she took, she lost more strength and that weakened me so much. I barely had the strength to keep going.

"Finally we are here, get in Mia" I opened the car door when we managed to get to the car. She went in and lay in the backseat.

I wanted to drive off immediately but the rose was still. in that palace.

I wonder what is keeping her so long? If I leave now and she comes out later then it would become a big problem. I think I should wait for some time, if I don't see any trace of her or get a phone call at least, I will go in search of her.

Mara's POV

I found Mia drinking water by the river, Louis and his men had already ambushed her.

I observed what was happening with keen eyes, I didn't just want to rush in and do something crazy. If I were to do anything then we were both sure to lose our lives.

"Why are you hiding?" Mia queried and looked around.

"I know you are there Louis, you ungrateful fellow" Mia spoke with so much authority that I unknowingly began to have goosebumps.

"You can come out of your hiding places, and is best if you drop those toys you have been carrying around in the name of guns'' Mia smiled wickedly.

Slowly I saw the grass move and one of the men tried to grab her from behind but a very strong force pushed him away. It was like a forcefield was around Mia and no one could harm her.

Louis also came out of hiding, clapping his hand and smiling like someone who just won the lottery.

"I can see how big your wings have grown. Little girl, believe me, I am going to clip those wings of yours" Louis sounded very threatening, well at least that was how he felt. He sounded like a complete moron if you'd ask me.

"I CAN SEE YOU STILL HAVEN'T GROWN UP. LITTLE BROTHER" Mia's voice became very deep and terrifying. The ground was shaken and her voice echoed in the place. It was an open place, why was there an echo?.

"Arthur!" Louis stammered as he retracted from Mia. His men had already started keeping a safe distance from her when one of them was unable to grab her.

"It took you so long" Mia stood tall with the breeze blowing through her hair and her hands lifted to the sky. Her eyes had completely turned green, with lights flashing out of them. I was floating in mid-air, wow! Awesome.

"You go are dead now and there is nothing you can do to harm me. Just go away, you have lost and I have won. Go and rest in peace" Louis was stammering and every atom of bravery that was left in his body had disappeared. He sounded like a crybaby, whose candy had just been snatched away from them.

"I never knew you could be so pathetic to think that. You took everything away from me. I left the throne for you but you still went as far as killing my babies even before they were born and you think I will rest in peace" Mia spoke, my father had taken complete control over her, and she didn't sound herself.

She didn't even know what she was saying and why she was saying it.

Seeing Mia float in the air like that with the wind lifting her hair, really frightened Louis's men.

"Cowards!!" Louis swallowed a huge chunk of his saliva when he saw that they were about to make a run for it.

"Nobody goes anywhere" Mia sounded so enraged and everyone's feet became glued to the floor.

"Right from childhood, I gave you everything that was mine initially but you always took advantage of me. Do you think I will let you get away this time?" Mia asked him and he began to have a shortage of breath, sweating profusely and looking like he was going to collapse any moment now.

"I can see you are still not getting me," Mia added and lifted her hands, squeezing her fist as if trying to strangle him.

"Please...uhhh." I saw Louis beg for his life. I never thought anything could bring such an evil man back to his knees but I guess I was wrong.

"You are the cause of your fortune but I won't be the one to k*ll you. My daughter will" Mia spoke gently and then released her grip on him before returning to the ground.

"RUN!!" She screamed and she screamed an earthquake. I could feel the ground shaking beneath my feet and the sky felt like they were going to rip apart.

Louis and his foolish men took their heels, running without looking back, who knew grown-up men could run so fast?.

Mia suddenly felt a sharp pain in her forehead as she clenched it very tightly and fell to the ground.

"Mia! Mia!" I rushed to her, catering out the name while I shook her with her body lying on the floor but she didn't respond to me.

"Mia please open your eyes, please" I began to shop especially when I noticed that she wasn't breathing. I used my hands to scoop up some water from the river and poured it on her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her when I noticed her eye muscles had begun to move. She was seriously struggling to open them and was doing great.

"Where is this place? Have they gone?" Mia kept on asking me, why doesn't my dad leave her with memories after possessing her? It would be so cool if she saw how fearless she looked.

"They are gone now and guess who chased them away?" I asked her with a smile on my face, hoping he would make a good guess.

"You? Did you kill anyone?" She inquired, still looking very dizzy. I could tell that her head felt so heavy and her eyes were worn out.

"You did Mia but I think we should talk about that later, for now. We have to find a way to get you to the car okay? Come with me" I tried to help her get up. I didn't realize how far we were from the roadside until I had to assist Mia to walk to the car. It was a dreadful experience because she would slip from my hand and as a result, she would crash to the ground.

I will have to pick her up again and keep walking. With each time she took, she lost more strength and that weakened me so much. I barely had the strength to keep going.

"Finally we are here, get in Mia" I opened the car door when we managed to get to the car. She went in and lay in the backseat.

I wanted to drive off immediately but the rose was still. in that palace.

I wonder what is keeping her so long? If I leave now and she comes out later then it would become a big problem. I think I should wait for some time, if I don't see any trace of her or get a phone call at least, I will go in search of her.

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